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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 今天听到一个新名词叫Special Student(也许孤陋寡闻了点).有哪位DX这是啥东东吗?
    • In U o T, are those who take courses for credits only without leading to any degree.
      • 谢谢.谢谢.那是不是读一段时间后可以转成读学位的呢. BTW, 小时候林妹妹是我的偶像.
        • Normally people who pursuit for graduate degree will apply for special student to get enough creadit for undergraduate studies first. Then apply for master's degree. BTW, are you grown-up now? :-)
          • 谢谢. 现在已是一壮汉了. 白头发也不少了. 我还有一问题. 发mail给你吧. 先谢了.
            • 林妹妹, 你收到我的mail了吗?
              • Got and replied
                • 请教
                  请问credit 是学分的意思吗?
                  Students wishing to take graduate courses not for credit are admitted as Special Students. The applicants must have completed an appropriate four-year Bachelor's degree from a recognized university and have attained grades of B+ or better. Courses taken as a Special Student cannot be counted for credit in a subsequent degree program at the University of Toronto.
                  • Replied by email already. Please check it out.
                    • Thanks a lot!
      • How to apply for this? Because my wife wants to take some courses there instead of taking courses from CGA. Thanks.
        • 1. Go to www.utoronto.ca for admission infor. 2. Go to U of T admission office, ask for Application Package for Special Student. Note that for Spcial Student, TOEFL requirement is same as ordinary students.
          • Oh!. my god. Why TOEFL?
            • Because 1. Our first language is non-English 2. We did not receive at least 5 years full-time education when teaching medium is English.