


  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 我累了。
    • 把"男人"和"男的"混为一谈是不对的,那些问题是没有答案的,随着时间的推移,她会自己找到答案的.
    • 哇,全是英文。读着太费劲了。我还是给高兴建写评论吧。
      • 实在看不出来《灵山》放的是什么狗屁。这样的东西也得了诺贝尔,真要羞死人了。
        • hei,在哪里能看到, 我想看.
          • if you really want to see how bad a writer can be, check link http://www.yuhuaweb.com/shiyu/cgi-bin/mainpage.pl?pageno=9 , and search by gaoxingjian.
            It is good that a chinese owned a prize. It is only bad that now the whole world thinks the best Chinese writing is just like this. bad.
            • Agree.
        • 本来人家也不是给你看的,呵呵
        • 说的好,什末破玩意儿!
      • 和《灵山》比较,还是喜欢《百年孤独》,:)
        • 《百年孤独》是加西亚.马尔克斯的名作。很有趣的是,他老年的另一部名作叫《霍乱时期的爱情》。当时可是在北京转了两年,才在海淀图书城的一个角落里卖到唯一的一本。
        • 呵呵,又见魔幻现实主义!灵山没怎么读过,好象是佛教思想的一种表达方式?
    • There are too many grammar errors and typos in the text, I can't bear to read on.
      • 不好意思。
        • Eventhough the writing is not perfect in gramma, you feedback towards
          critisize is very good. This is called Personality in Canada. Only
          those with good Personality can survive well here. I congratuate you
          that, once you have overcomed your English barrier, you will sure
          be successfull in Canada. Believe or not.
    • You should improve your English writing skill, I think. Anyway, this is a good article while I don't know whether it is true or not. Love is different meaning to different person. No one can explain it very well.
      • 伤心
        • Do you think the certificate of MCSE is so important? I don't agree. When you want to live well in a county, the language is the first thing you should master.
    • Answers to your questions.
      1, I don't think so. You know, the life on a petro platform is quite boring, maybe Steven just seeks somewhere to shelter his soul temporary.

      2, He's afraid of that, as he knows his initials.

      3, Not exactly. As I know, my several friends got to know their girlfriends before their immigration, and later they flew back to China for the marriage.

      5, Refer to #3.

      6, There's always such guys, but that doesn't means someone you meet is that kind of guy.

      Anyway, God bless QQ. Don't expect too much on men. As long as you feel happy, that's it. Try to enjoy the moment with your boyfriend, enjoy the sweet time, enjoy the sex, that's it. Things happen in their own way, we cannot control it, although we try our best to make the future better.
      • Woo, our xiuxiu is a pholosophist.
    • O,咖啡怎么啦?突然这么郁闷?