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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我也和大家一样有在加国读MBA的打算,但有几个问题请教:1. 我已有TOEFL(640) 和GRE(2200)成绩,还需要考GMAT吗? 2. 联系学校时,告诉校方我已办妥移民有帮助吗?提前谢谢各位"同志"了。
    • 1. Nearly all Business School requir GMAT score. They do not think GRE can substitute GMAT. 2. Before you land in Canada, you are not considered as landed immigrant.
      • 3ks, David. Ok,things like that, it seems i have no other choice but to prepare GMAT.
        • as i know, only one university (its in Ontario) accepts GRE for it's MBA's program. but i can't remember whether its McMaster or not. sorry... you can check it by yourself.
          • 3ks, Holly. it is really a helpful clue for me. I will check it out.
            • You are so welcome! But why not thinking of take GMAT? You will get a good score de.
              • It depends. you know, I am now working for a famous international Mobile telecommunication company as a specialist, and i will work aboard for the coming 3 months, so afraid the time is to be a little bit pressing.