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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 此地有懂医的吗?麻烦帮我翻译一下
    诊断证明书 头痛恶心,疼痛向右面部放射 三叉神经痛 建
    议门诊治疗,注意休息; (针灸治疗6个疗程)

    腰部触压疼痛剧烈,双下肢麻木疼痛 腰椎间盘膨出。

    • I need help too! Anybody can help me translate medical records of "dan3 jie2 shi2"? About 10 pages. I would like to pay for the service. Please contact me!
    • 腰部触压疼痛剧烈,双下肢麻木疼痛 腰椎间盘膨出。 Severe lumbar pain exacerbated by pressure. Intervertebral disk herniation with painful radiation and numbness down to the lower extremities.
      头痛恶心,疼痛向右面部放射 三叉神经痛
      Headache and nausea, sharp pain extends across the right side of the face. Trigeminal neuralgia.

      建议门诊治疗,注意休息; (针灸治疗6个疗程)
      Instruction: Rest; Acupuncture.