


  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 我和老公学英语(四) 拾零
    • That's funny!
    • 1) Your "long neck deer" is "giraffe". Why "the report recommends he receive" not "he receives". In grammar, the sentence goes like this
      "The report recommends he should receive", "should" omitted here. It's subjunctive mood "Xu Ni Yu Qi". One example, " He insists his wife (should)sweep the floor". For us, this is grammar, for your LG, that's the way they say it. Absolutely! I didn't figure out the first two. Guess just idioms.
      • Thanks! Do you think (or anybody can tell me) giraffe belongs to deer category?
    • Thank you give us those idioms, very useful for me. play it by ear-> 随机应变 push the envelope->增强技术系统的运转能力
    • If I cleaned the floor, I would say :"I did the mopping".
      • 嘿嘿, 不过MOPPING和SWEEPING还是不一样吧?
        • mopping means" 拖地", sweeping means "扫地 "
    • Interesting! I learned a few idioms today.