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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请问:在加拿大申请学校时, 学校是否承认自考学历?
    • Possibily not because they can't verify your school. Only big schools are recognized in Canada
      • 请教:fine 是什么意思?
        请教:fine 是什么意思?我听别人说,现在开的成绩单都要很正规,不仅要信封、公章,还要密封起来。而我的成绩单前几年开的,尽管内容是真的,但没那么正规,与Kitty差不多。学校是能接受,还是不接受,或者会去调查。调查倒不怕,因为是真的。不接受就比较麻烦,还要托人重新办理成绩单。
        • r u replying to 25714? 'fine' means ok here. if you really really worry about it, maybe you can get it notarized even in Canada.
          • 请教前辈:是不是需要支付费用?费用一般是多少?效果与国内学校开的成绩单原件相比如何?
            • my suggestion
              you should contact admission officer first, to double check if your transcript can meet their requirement.

              If it meets, u don't need to worry about anything, just submit them.

              If it doesn't, ask them what you can do. If they insist on necessary verification such as notarizing the transcript or any other document, you can get any notary public phone number from yellow page or Chinatown and call them for the pricing information.
              • Thanks!
        • I handed my transcript by myself WITHOUT any evenlope. No problem.
          • always call them to make sure. if one person cannot give satisfying answer, call again or visit the offices.
      • 谢谢您的解答,只是我想知道您所指的“BIG SCHOOL”,是否意味着我在有国内有名的大学修完本科的话还是可以被加拿大的学校认可呢?
        • not sure. You'd better call your admition office for more information. good luck.
        • 我怀疑老加是否明了中国的系统。一位上海朋友在美做教授,某日系里拿来优秀中国学生申请,请其审阅。履历写(原文英文,此处译出):“。。。,XX年,上海前进大学毕业,。。。”哪位上海朋友诠释一下,让大伙肚皮松松。。。
          • hehe, last time there was a big fight on bbs because a girl, who self-studied and got degrees from night schools, applied for harvard. later people said she went to uiuc or somehwhere else, not sure though.
          • another example is that a guy at cmu said one person he knows from nanjing, graduated from television college, claimed his college is best in television/graphic/communication in china and got admitted!
    • they cannot verify it.
      • sorry
        • why say sorry here?
          • i felt sorry