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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 关于产后上环
    • 最好在国内上吧,在这里3个月健康卡才生效,如果不小心,又不是那么快想要第二个,会比较麻烦。
    • never do it
      1, you soon will probably want a new baby---the removal of it is not so convenient here.

      2. even if you want family planning, condoms are a better idea.

      3. if you think more deeply, 'shang huan' IS against huamn rights.
      • yes my mom's friend needed a surgery to take that out of her body. just imagine something you don't really need inside your body and may grow into the muscle! so scary! all other choices are much better.
    • Don't do it. Consider other precautionary measures for now. After you come to Canada, your family doctor will suggest you more options.
    • 是吗?我一直以为上环在全球都很普遍的呢.由于是剖腹产,所以还是应该小心点好。 我是自愿的呀,不存在人权问题。是不是以后要取的话,最好回国取? 按说有小孩赴加的绝大多数都是上环的呀,希望有人能谈谈亲身体验。
      • i dont think it is common for people to be back to china for 'qu huan'?
        since u have the intention of removing it in the future, why u "installed" it at 1st place?

        take my family for instance, she had similar thoughts like u, but i strongly opposed, she soon
        found i was right when she came over here.

        like i said, u always have other means for 'bi yun'.
      • 你说的很对,我有惨痛教训
        • it shouldn't be very expensive for such operation. Here's doctor's credit is more trustable.
    • I'm just curious, what is 产后上环 ?
      • 即生完小孩之后在子宫内放置避孕环。
        • Yik... scary!
    • 没有人要求你产后三个月上环,除非你自己想那样做,惯例是几十年前的事,完全没有必要。
    • 什么?现在加拿大也是这样的避孕措施??好古老呀!很多女孩子都不合适这样的方式的,出血,月期紊乱等等,都已经先进了呀。。。。。
      • no, in fact canadian doctors are surprised by chinese ladies' courage. no offense since I know many companies in China force employees to do so.
        • no. birth control is enforced, but inidvidual method is free to choose.
          • my friend told me her company asks everybody who just gave birth to do so.
            • To do exactly 'shang huan'? your friend is not from main land China for sure.
            • I also heard an HongKongness told me a same story. It is wrong.
    • 请慎重考虑此事。
      • 这个方法的作用原理就是利用铜离子来杀死精子。你就想想如果整天把一块铜疙瘩含在嘴里是什么滋味?
        • Maybe some operation to do for ur husband, then u need not to do so. It sounds so horrible.
          • as i know operation for man is the best way. It's just a minor operation and it's easy to remove it if u want to pregnant again. But most men are not willing to do it.
            • Never heard of this before. Can you tell me more?
              • 男性结扎手术是也。
              • 参阅 #25820。 而且现在中国有很多网站讲这方面的知识,用搜狐什么的搜一下就可以找到了。
              • I don't know the way David mentioned in #25820, anyway, there are different ways to do this kind of operation..as David said, by searching key word "jie zha" in some chinese search engine, u can get lots of links.
        • so experinced and described vividly
        • 我知道棉酚类的药物有希望能成为男用避孕药,不知道现在研究进行到了那一步,是否已经生产上市
          • don't try on me....
          • 国内有为男子打避孕针的,据说还不错。我的家庭医生说,加拿大目前还在研究这种方法,现在还不能使用。
            • 那个是可复性栓塞吧?用某种胶体把输送管路堵上,需要的时候可以用其他的药品把它再溶开。好像是上海的某个医院最先研究出来的。
              • 我不懂原理,我的朋友告诉我,他在胳膊上打了一针。好像要每半年或一年再打一针。
                • 那就该是激素类的药物了。我个人对所有激素类的药物心存疑虑,无论临床实验证明它如何的无害。
    • what a question