


  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请问:本人在国内由专科升本科,想申请加国的研究生有没有问题?(本人已在加国)
    请问:本人在国内由专科升本科,想申请加国的研究生。(本人已在加国)专科毕业后我自学修完了本科课程,并考完T 和G, 想申请加拿大的研究生,但是我在办成绩单的时候发现我的课程比一般的本科生少,不知道我是否能申请蒙城大学的研究生?不知有没有和我同样经历的前辈能给我一点指点,多谢!
    • depends on your school's credibility. If it is not in their list, you can't be admitted.
    • it could be hard since canadian professors pay more attention to your research abilities.
      • true
        • 感谢各位热诚的解答,我修本科的学校倒是中国的名校,而且也拿到到学历和学位,而且也有良好的工作背景,不知道这是否对申请学校有利呢?
          • not sure. but if you can give more information, maybe more people can give you advice.
          • read graduate admission guide&handbook on school websites can answer most of your questions. the rest can be got from department offices. they are supposed to be knowledgeable and always like to help you out.