


  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 刚看一篇文章http://www.omnitalk.com/omniarch/messages/2978.html,其中讲到米粉和米线,真谗死我了.那位大侠知道多伦多有卖吗?不管多远我也要去吃!汪激昂,你离hwy7近,那边有什么出名的饭馆吗?听说劣质文山的中餐最好
    • 我流着口水往上顶
    • Wjiang's wife is from GuiLing. MiXian and MiFeng is her favorate too.
      But wjiang's favorate is seafood. So wjiang likes those Lobster Meal
      (30$) in China Town very much. Visits there some every other week.
      • 大可以还是新豪京,或者还有更好的?推荐一下吧!米线米粉哪?您老多说几句行不行,别老让人惦记
        • Not keen on 米线米粉, so I didn't have much information about it. As per
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛"Double Lobster Meal" in China Town, I am qualified to give some hints. I am
          now hunting all resturants along Dandus Rd. All are very good. Don't
          remember names exactly. But the one who is on the norther side of
          Dandus and nextdoor to a bank also sales Lobster Zhou1 at 19$.

          I have almost finished all alongside Dandus. Next I will try Spadina. What
          I can suggest abour lobster meal is one or two dollar price difference
          makes real difference. It is not the lobster, but the other selections.
          For those with higher prices, there is more and better selections.

          For those who don't know 'Double Lobster Meal'.

          It is a meal set consisted of lobster, crab, fish, shrimp and many other
          seafood. The price changes in different seasons. Winter time is often more
          experience. Normally it is from 24 dollars to 32 dollars for 3 dishes.
          Among them, you can only order a double lobster or a crab. The left two
          dishes can be selected from about other 20 choices which are all seafood.
          You can find double lobster meal from almost all chinese resturant in
          'middle' china town. A double lobster can be sufficient to serve up to 4 guys.
          Because the price is so cheap, no credit card is accepted for lobster
          meal. Prepare cash to avoid embressement.

          Good Apetite
          ===================================================更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • good tips, but your English really sucks
            • Thanks. I am doing my best to improve it. Hopefully next post will look better.
              • I reviewed my post. You are right. The English I used really sacks. Thank you very much. Only real friends like to correct friends' mistakes.
                • come on, your words make me bu hao yi si.
                  i really did not mean to be fault- finding, every one makes mistake. given your willing-to-improve
                  attitude, i am sure your language proficiency will be enhanced soon.

                  of course i am not good enough either in terms of English, let's make progress together.
      • 激昂凶, 喜闻汪嫂系同乡,两眼泪汪汪,只盼有天能共享桂林米粉,(吞吞口水〕,,,,,,
        • That's why you are so beautiful. GuiLing produces beauty. That's true!
          • 表扬与自我表扬
            • hehe...!
          • why guilin men don't say so?
            • they have better choice. 555
            • And they may think Canadian girls are better.
        • My grandmother lives in Guilin, and I had been working in Guilin for over one year after graduation. I like Guilin & Guilin Mifen so much!!!
          • Wow, I have so many relatives now.
        • Somebody under the floor is saying GuiLing men don't think GuiLing girls are beautiful. Join me and help me.
          • Well, 汪GG的艳福不浅,就让人家眼红两下巴,(咿,你甚摸时候改姓拉?〕西西,,,
            • Landing in Canada, I have red eyes. Watching his wallet, I have green eyes. Following pretty girls, I get black eyes. Who can tell me why?
            • 555, five five. my name changes every two to three days.
    • 现在桂林有方便米粉,要不要我登陆时给你带几包?味道怎样不不好说,我自己也没吃过,一出门就有米粉吃,从没想过要吃方便米粉,看来下次得买包试试。;-)
      • 太好了,小M 有礼了,^_^