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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / please help me make a decision about buying a house, how much is better price for a detached singe house.
    My family live at scarborough, now we are planning buy a house,we can put 70,000 cnd with downpayment. only my husband is working, we want buy a new house at $334,000 How is anybody thinking? I am really worry about we can afford mortage or not? but resale house in scarborough is
    expensive , we cannot find that we really like, Give me some opinion.
    please. house wife
    • It really depends on 1. you husband's income 2. potential rental income from your house. If your family income is not enough to satisfy the mortgage, bank won't lend you money.
      There are still nice semi-detached houses in Scarborough which are much cheaper than what you are talking about. Take more time to investigate if you are not sure if you want to go with this one. No rush for buying houses.
    • My neibough is a mortgage broker of TD Canada Trust. a very nice guy. If you want more info, you could talk with this guy.
      • I am so appreciate ,can you tell me the phone number?
      • Gus Chang, TD Canada Trust, cell phone: 416-823-3298, pager: 1-800-560-1593. He can speak Mandarin, Cantonese and English.
    • 我觉得你买的房子价格偏高,光靠你先生一个人还贷款,压力太大,以后房子反而会成为你家包袱。如果你一定喜欢SCARBOROUGH,考虑下STEELS以南,MCNICOL以北的房子,还算不错,面积不是太大的话,28,29万可以买到。
      • Agree. It is better not buy house south of Hwy 401
      • 严重同意,我现在看的房子就是在这一区域,并且喜欢从维多里丫到窝等. 大概的价钱 29万左右.
        • what kind of house are you looking ? do you know which school in that are is famous elementary school and high shcool?
          • 我知道那里有很好的学校,叫什么名字我还没注意.我有朋友住哪里.
        • 看好房后,最后到附近的学校看一眼,如果黑人和印度人的比例太高就不值得考虑。
          • 就我们次去打球的附近,近丰华超市.如果想看黑人或印度人你还得有耐心那.哈哈.
    • 你付的downpayment 只占21%,所以银行是否批贷款就取决于你丈夫的收入了。如果你能付35%,那是一点问题也没有的。
    • 根据你所说的,你得向银行借至少$260,000的mortgage才能买下那房子。我不知道你丈夫的income多少,一般银行能借给你的mortgage=3 * (家庭年收入)。你可以看看你能否借到。
    • if only your husband working, you must rent the house out to pay the mortage. or else, forget it.
      • 不对吧,你听谁说的.
      • 也不必替人家操心,也许人家很有钱呢。
    • 我们买的是同价位的房子。你可以参考一下:
      我们当初付的首期是12万,5年的贷款利率时5.9%,每月还款大约 $1300左右,前些日子把还款改成1年锁定,利率是3.5%,每月只要付900元左右就行了。另外,每年付3000元左右的地税。
      • 一年利率3。5%?什么银行?555555555555,我要哭。。。。。。
        • me2. Which rate did you choose? Close 5 years or open? shanghai lao xiang. ^__^
          • one year close 3.9%, royal bank. after my closing, the rate drop down rapidly.:(((((
            • 到你银行去问问,可以改的。
        • 汇丰。
      • 你贷了多少?
        • 210 k
      • 3.5% ??? 好低啊! 羡慕
      • Can you tell me what kind of house did you buy new or resale?
        If we buy new house can we finish basement after we are just move in or need wait a while, do you know how much for finish a basement with two bedroom and one kitchen and bathroom?
        thanks a lot
        • 个人意见,买2-5年内的RESALE房子最好,保养好另外省钱,太旧的房子看了不舒服,太新的一手房,你要化钱的地方很多,如窗帘架子等等。
          • 意见很好,但是成熟社区里很难遇到这么新的房子,通常这种房子都在偏远地段。
        • 我买的是resale房。装修花了很多钱。保守估计你的basement最少要花2-3万。
      • 今天的一年利率是3。25%了,据说还会降。另外我想问一下,为什么你从5年改成了一年锁定?你觉得明年的利率不会回升,风险不大,是吗?还是有什么好的建议?
        • up
        • 哇!3.25%,这么好的利率,那个银行?我把5年改成一年,这样我可以省下6000元(除去银行3个月的罚款4000多元)。我认为利率会回升,但是一定很慢,到时候现改利率也来得及。
    • Now is time to buy a house or should wait next year? but rent is too high, two bedroom apartment is over $1000. our rent next year will be increase 8.89%, what can we do?
      • 提醒: 利率低时房价高;利率高时房价低。
    • IT depends how much your husband is making. if his salary is around 60K, i don't think you can be qualified for a house over $250K
      • Today the banker is approved give us $250k mortage, but my husband salary is around $60k,so I am still thinking what kind house should we buy.