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  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 一道英国皇家海军招考雇员的有趣题目:一个风雪交加的夜晚,你开车经过一个车站,三个人在等车,一个是快病死的老太太,一个是救过你的医生,一个是梦寐以求的情人,你将栽哪个?(有奖。。〕
    • Pick up the girl.... because the doctor can take care of the old lady.... xixi, a little cruel...
    • I'd like to pick up the last one - My dear valentine!
    • all of them
    • I'll get out of my car and join them.
    • 我的车大,三人全坐得下.快病死的老太太送到Lumlum处,她是个细心的女孩,救过我的医生,送给Rolia好了.心理诊所需要招人.至于梦寐以求的情人嘛,嘿嘿,情人节到了,当然带回家.... ( 下省1560字)
    • Any more answers?... dead line, 9pm tonight.... xixi
    • all of them.
    • I'm the bus driver, so I must take them all.
    • They are waiting for their bus, why do I bother thinking about taking them? I pass away as I always do in Toronto. But, wait, the lover, well, stop, roll back, ask the lover if she still remembers me....
      • This is my answer.
    • If only one person can't pick up,
      I would chose the sick old lady. Doctor and girl will survive and good chance to test your love to the girl when she face to that doctor. Doctor save my life, I should do my best to save another life, I think the doctor would forgive me. If have love or not kind, the girl will not love me amy more. So, pick up the sick Old Lady

    • 我会让医生开车带走病人,自己留下来陪我的情人
      • Smart choice.
    • It depends on..
      how many people my car can pick up.
      If only one, definitely the old lady.Nothing wrong with picking up her!
      If two, the lady and the doctor, cus the doctor would be helpful in taking care of the lady on the road.
      If three, all of them.
      I dont agree with the idea of letting doctor drive the car, cus we dont know whether he/she could drive!
      • 最最典型的中国人的思维
        • NOPE, it is just a kind of professional thinking. Nothing fancy and popular, I have to admit it. This kind of thinking cant let you become a briliant person, but it does give you a good chance to live solidly in this real world.
    • lover!
      • Past due. No award for you. Lum, where are you? Time's up.
        • why ? i am in shenzhen.
          • Nothing. I didn't mean you.
    • It is a old story.
    • 同志们啊,你们都错啦,错啦。要是我啊,一个都不栽。人栽了能活吗?他没有根啊。LUMLUMQ故意戏弄大家,该打。
    • Hey, 哥们, sorry for the late answer, actually some of you got it. 最后录取的那个人的答案是:把车钥匙交给医生,让他载老太太去医院,自己留下来陪情人,, 西西,情人节快乐,,,, lumlum MM ^_^
      • 奖品呢?
        • 算了吧,是一个“客人”猜到的,奖品寄存在我这巴,, 西西,,
      • lumlum,这个答案该进化了。现在都民国了,哪个车站没有旅馆?车嘛,就暂且不要开了吧。。。。嘿嘿。。。