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  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / Discussion: What is the best way to convince my GF to marry me ASAP?
    • stop being cool!
      sorry joking.......u got to give more inf......otherwise hard to help you!
      • I wanna be cool again. However I lost my control very quickly recently.
    • BMW Z8 + 5 cart diamond ring!
      • Smart girl just used your money but never be jealous due to your BMW or diamond ring.
    • A sign-on bounus, a nice half mill house, lots of toys for the coming baby, and of course, get her pregnant.
    • Buy a ring and try to let her know how much you love her, you can't live without her. Tell her she is the most important person in your world. It should be your fault if she can't feel your love.
      • She felt my love but doesn't want to commit.
    • 如果她不想嫁你,什么方法都没用,如果她想嫁你,那就更不用说了。
      • Everytime I mentioned it, she just said not ready, but she will be.
        So I asked if she will give me the time frame, like half a year
        or maybe more. She doesn't want to answer.

        Honestly I am VERY frustrating right now. I can say I did
        almost everything for her love.
    • tell your gf you'll marry her after 5 years, then she'll get upsets.
      • She is a lover killer. Not so easier to get upset.
    • I think her pregnancy will be the best reason.
      • 你们这些人就不会出好主意,这样对那个女孩多不公平呀。
        • Lazycat, I'm smartiecat. Nice to meet you. We are in the opposite side of a scale.
      • I know, but she doesn't want to have sex with me anymore before the marriage. Basically I lost my chance. At the same time, I feel very MEAN if use such method to get her.
        • never do that......at least u two will be friends whatever will happen.....
          Is there a strong competitor around her?
    • "Borrow" a more pretty girl and let her show interest to you in front of your GF
      • How pretty she should be, I can arrange any level to accomplish the mission. I don't ask you to pay now, but after you two get married, I'll blackmail some cash... ;) [ Just a use case ]
      • It's a good idea but we are not in the same city right now. Honestly I do have such idea to get another girl but am afraid of lack of money. Guys, be careful, you never know how much money spend on your GF!!
    • 要说个人的情况就是不一样, 我最怕的是女朋友提结婚的事,我的做法是: 她要跟我说3次结婚的事, 就和她吹
      • 有什么好吹的,这说明你根本还没有找到真正爱的人,你的路还长着呢!如果你以后遇到一个你想结婚而她不想的人,以你现在的语气和措辞对人吹嘘,你会作何感想?
      • 唉,兄弟,希望你找到你真正爱的人。
        • 多谢您的祝愿,我正在找。。。
    • 动之以情,晓之以理。首先是动之以情。动情陈述,说得自己眼泪都掉下来。然后是晓之以理。最后通牒,不答应就散伙。别死听了。耽误不起那时间。
    • If you can continue to have girl friends, whether getting married or not is not so important.
      • But sounds they guy is really into her now.............at least so far! :-)
    • Sit down and talk to her, find out why she does not want to marry you. She loves you for sure, but something is bothering her to make the commitment.
      Girl sometimes thinks in a differnt way. She may need you to persuade her, or at least you may try to lead her to the same track.
      Good luck.