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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / I wanna apply for master degree, but my GPA doesn't qualify. What can I do to make up it?
    • I want to know also.
    • \"I wanna\" or \"I want\" is a very rude way to start a sentence. Don\
      • so..."I am trying to apply..." is better? I think "I wanna..." sometime use for oral should be ok, right?
        • No. \"I wanna\" is for under-educated. Correct way to match your social status is to say \"Could you please tell me..\"
          • 哦,是我理解错了。不过在美国的时候听一个老师说过wanna在口语里面问题不大的。说话还是要看对象。
            • 用法对是对的。 是社会地位不对。你的地位比那要高。
              • 哈,俺有啥地位,还不是受压迫阶级。
            • it's not "wanna", should be "I wonna be a chickmagnet"
              • 呵呵,谢谢瘦猪指点!
                • The pleasure was all mine
              • 哇, 瘦猪好, 还不睡?
                • trying to quit cigarette smoking, can't sleep,
        • you can say I would like to do sth in stead of I want to do sth in this case.
          As I think, when you ask somebody for help, it's better to use I would like to. Otherwise, it's more like you are making the order to him/her.