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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 请问如何才能在Ottawa买到去San Fransico 的便宜机票,
    我才Yahoo Travel 上查了一下,最便宜的要1400多美圆。请问有没有其他的途径。多谢。
    • I probably can sell you for $1200, email me. How soon you want to travel?
    • Find a travel agency from yellow page and ask air canada fare since it's tickets to States are on sale.
      From Ottawa to LA only cost CD$487. Check this URL for detail. Too bad there is no price listed for San Francisco though. It may not cost over $500, figure it out with travel agent

      • Thanks. I was surprised the price has such a big difference.
    • so you want to take the first class airline? I have also checked the yahoo website, the price is from 200US$ to 2400US$ round trip
      • 请问是否忘了一个0啊? 是从200到2400吗?还是2000到2400?能告诉我网址吗?
        • 美元200。只有两个零。
    • www.traverlocity.com
    • 你应该是查错了吧,我在YAHOO上查的价格也只要210美元。想想也不可能是1400美元啊,我知道从多伦多经旧金山回上海的来回票也只要1100加元,还不到700美元。