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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 我朋友从中国给我寄产品样品,我这边是不是要交税?请指教!谢谢! 那么有没有其他变通的方法?
    • 如果样品不大,可以用UPS等寄,把金额填得很小如1,2美远,还有可以在样品上用标记表明是SAMPLE,不是为了SALE,我也是以前听朋友说的,你让你朋友问问他通过发件的公司如UPS或其他递件公司,他们常做,很懂的.
    • 只要他不填报关单,又指明是礼物,就不用。
    • 我从美国买了一块旧电路板,鬼子不愿直接寄到中国。准备先寄到加拿大,然后再寄回中国。加拿大收税吗?如何避免税?
      • Up Up Up!!!
        • Again, IF the company declare custom, then you have to pay tax on it. IF they specify it's gift, then you don't need to. You have to call the company and ask whether they will declare custom in the product.
        • 如果美国那边寄板子的是自己人,可以在包裹内容上填"sample",这样就可以免税
          • 从联邦快递查到,东西已经到了多伦多,等待报税。我把东西马上转寄回国,有无退税一说?先谢了
            • Too bad, you have to pay the custom. They don't care what you do with it. If you don't pay, you won't get it.