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  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / Nortel 翻船了,又要裁4000人!我一朋友可是在90多买进的, 明天恐怕连40都保不住了,惨惨惨! 前两天听电视里"财经专家"力捧Nortel,什么潜力巨大啦,本年赢利1元不成问题啦,全是屁话! 多数投资专家和共同基金都是idiot! 幸亏我只是动了动念头,还没来得及行动.
    • 我一直感觉nortel的合理股价在20以下,大家拭目以待吧。谁能给我一点RRSP的建议?
      • Please don't mention it. I bought some 4,000 dollar Canada Small Enterprise fund, guess how much it is now? If Nortel is GeYou, then my RSP is GeLian.
      • rrsp doesn't save money at all in the long run.
    • nortel is going to fire 10k people and their stock dropped to 20 sth as news reported.
      • Nortel's stock will not drop below 20USD. I bet.
        • 呵呵,我同事的女朋友(在投资公司),买的一只百元股(不是.com公司)已经跌到3元以下了。所以,世界上没有什么事是不可能的。
        • So far nortel today's range is US$19-$23 on NYSE, it is $20. You lose your bet
      • Nortel is $20.25 on NYSE now
    • Usually, stock price hikes when many employees are laid off.