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  • 工作学习 / English / 问各位一个托福听力题。百思不得其解
    Woman: I'm looking for a lightweight jacket...navy blue...medium
    Man: Let's see. Have u checked the sales rack in the back? there were still a few there yesterday.
    Narrator: What does the man mean?

    A. The jackets sold out quickly.
    B. The sale ended yesterday.
    C. He'll check with the sales clerk.
    D. The woman might find a jacket on sale.

    • Where did you find that the woman had searched that rack?
    • 那个售货员的意思是:让我看看(哎啊,没有)你有没有看过后面的货架,昨天那里还有几件。
    • The jacket the woman wanted to buy might be moved to "the sales racks" for sale, so she should go there and take a look.
    • Sales rack - the rack which held the jackets on sale. A lot of clothing stores put the on-sale-items in the back of the store like suzy's shirt...
    • 用排他法,只有D)最贴切;意指普通正常的lightweight jacket已售罄,只有在店后面的降价区Sales rack 还可以找到。其他答案都不确切,A)没提过卖得快,B)没提过昨天,C)没提过和他人核对啊。
      • Anyway, 做听力题象是做智力题,ETS真折磨人,看来还要IQ高才行。我智商不高,反应也不快。没办法啊。
    • The sales person is suggesting the woman to check the sale rack FIRST, as she might get a better deal there. No mentioning of similar ones are no longer available at regular price.
    • 是不是sales rack就一定可以理解为On Sale区?我去过Sears 买过减价货,好像减价和非减价的都在一个区,只是有些货架上写着XX%OFF. 不过他提到昨天还有,今天就没了,应该就是卖得快啊。