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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请问CANADA的法学院的排名?哪所容易申请?多谢!
    • Maclean's once ranked 17 Law schools, but then it withdraws since most of them were reluctant to cooperate. In my opinion, there are not much difference for such a small collection, unless you are from UT law school
      • 请问申请Master of Law(LLM)是否可以先交材料,等明年四,五月份再考TOFEL?Thank you!
        • LLM is a tricky degree in US and Canada. If you want to pursue law, try JD in US and bachelor in Canada(the two are equivalent). JD or Bachelor is the requirement for Bar. LLM is not. Do not waster your money or time
          • Thank you! I'm a lawyer in Shenzhen, i think if I finish LLM, then come back to China, it's very useful. so i just want to know 请问申请Master of Law(LLM)是否可以先交材料,等明年四,五月份再考TOFEL?Thank you!
            • Check university sites for your question. Based on my friends' experience, LLB/JD is more useful. Large companies know the difference, especially HRs have some background in law.
      • 好像是说Queen的最好,才到UT耶,我在High School的时候历史老师告诉我的
        • No, UT is the top 10 in North America. Actually, law students have difficulty to land descend jobs even in booming years, but UT graduates have no problems.
    • 我记得好像是DALHOUSIE最有名,有很多大法官和3个总理都是从那出来的.