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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / Oracle Internet Directory. Oracle Directory Manager. 的缺省用户名及密码是什么?谢谢!
    Oracle Internet Directory. Oracle Directory Manager. 的缺省用户名及密码是什么?谢谢!
    • Super User: cn=orcladmin Pwd: welcome . Guest: cn=guest Pwd: guest Check the document: Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
      • Thank you! I tried both of these user names. I'm always getting "BInd Failed". Does that mean I should start some Oracle Services? tks.
        Bind Failed.
        oracle.io.admin.common.SaveChangeException: Bind Failed.
        at oracle .ldap.admin.Root.saveChanges(Root.java:762)
        at oracle.io.admin.common.AdminPropView.saveChages
        at oracle.io.admin.client.propEditors.TabView.commit(TabView.java530)
        at oracle.io.admin.clientAdminUtil$logonCmds.run(AdminUtil.java:625)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:466)
        • Before you use these users you have to start the OID Monitor Daemon and Oracle Directory Server Instance. NOTE: Check the DOCUMENT,Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
          1.oidmon [connect=net_service_name] [sleep=seconds] start
          2.oidctl connect=net_service_name server=oidldapd instance=server_instance_number
          [configset=configset_number] [flags=' -p port_number -work maximum_number_of_
          worker_threads_per_server -debug debug_level -l change_logging -server n'] start
          • Thank you! The URL is really useful!