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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / Would you please tell me sth. about .shtml? Does .SHTML mean this website is composed by ASP or JAVA? What else can we know if we see the .shtml? tks.
    • http://www.w3.org/
    • http://www.w3.org/Jigsaw/Doc/User/SSI.html http://www.apache.org/docs-2.0/howto/ssi.html
      SSI (Server Side Includes) are directives that are placed in HTML pages, and evaluated on the server while the pages are being served. They let you add dynamically generated content to an existing HTML page, without having to serve the entire page via a CGI program, or other dynamic technology.

      If documents containing server-side include directives are given the extension .shtml, Apache parse them and assign the resulting document the mime type of text/html.
      • Thank you. Can we say it is like TAGLIB in JSP?
    • Simply speaking, .shtml indicates you are using Server-side include. How to implement it depends upon the server you are using.
      At the earlier days of Servlets, Java Web Server used a server-side-include servlet to implement .shtml, via a URI mapping. Now JSP is
      overwhelming, and few people use .shtml in a Java site. Also, few people use servlet chaining.