


  • 枫下沙龙 / 站务管理 / 建议在这个页面设置“退出”选项
    • Thanks for your suggestion. I made it.
      • 动作满快的噢!不过,我写回应的时候没有原文,常常不知道这个窗口是回谁的。最好还有回应的全部或部分文摘。
        • 有道理!不过这个就快不了啦,大手术啊!
          • 我相信Sailor的技术!!
            • 呵呵,多谢夸奖。技术上倒是没什么,费点时间而已。
              • 别这样客气了!还有,要是同时能浏览几个帖子的内容就好了,我刚刚开了两个窗口,第三个就冲掉了第一个。希望这个论坛更好了!
                • Sure you can! the trick is: Move the mouse above the link, right-click, choose "open in a new window". That's it!
        • I made the modification.
          But after careful consideration, still I do not provide quatation of the original message, in order to keep the performance.

          Now there's a post ID in the head of the replying page so that you won't get lost.

          If I quote text from the original message, I have to access the database, that brings extra burdern to the database server. When sometime the site is busy, it'll easily get stuck.
    • 也提一个建议,刚刚想去通讯录中找一个朋友,发现没有搜索功能,只能排序,不是什么大问题,Sailor有空时考虑一下。
      • A friend once told me to add a function ...
        A friend once told me to add a 找老乡 function, I've been considering on that for quite a long time. 'cause currently the "residing location" is not a mandatory field, many friends just let it empty.

        It seems "search for person" is a more feasible function. I'll keep it in mind and work it out ASAP.

        Thank you very much for the suggestion.
      • 寻找会员功能初步完成,请试用!(在会员名录页面)
        • 做得太棒了!我只试了两次,用了30秒就找到了我要找的朋友!谢谢!
    • BTW, do you guys like the new appearence of "reading article contents" page?