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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 说起自信,想起个好玩的事,大学时有两个女孩,长的不大好看。一个知道自己丑,下了些功夫在衣服搭配上,而且读了些书谈吐很有趣,很多男生喜欢跟她在一起。

    • What's you point? I think that in this case both extremely self-confidence expression and ingratiating behavior are used to hide inferiortiy complex.
      • I don't have any point at that. everybody has their way, as long as they feel right, it's right, right?
        • Whatever you say.
          People can always find something to trade. confience self- abasement dignity who care , what is the difference. " life is a business"
          • I'm lost what you said. life is business, the way to do business is different.
            • sorry to bother you
              I just happen to know a ugly woman. When I say ugly, I mean real ugly both inside and outside. She traded her dignity for attention from men. Betraying her friend for favor. When she had some money or say some confidence, she kicked off her boyfriend.

              People I knew is not who you knew. They are not comparative. I just happen to have some idle time and pick up someone to dig at.
              ease buddy :)