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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 请问,已拿到LP的人可否在国内通过邮递公证件来申请SIN卡?谢谢!
    • plus, not landed yet. thax again.
      • @_@
    • 没听说过,应当不可以,申请SIN要带上你的护照,提供居住地址和要你的签名。
      • & the most important thing: your SIGNED landing paper which you will never get without landing.
        • 如果这样的话就没办法了,可是我怎么也找不到关于SIGN的要求条文,使馆网站上的信息实在是不精确。
      • HDRC的原文是这样的:
        HRDC encourages you to apply for your SIN in person at a HRDC office. This process is faster and more convenient, as it does not require you to part with your valuable identity documents or pay for getting photocopies of documents notarized. You may also apply by mail.

      • 还有最重要的一条
        6 - Can I apply by mail?
        To apply for a Social Insurance Number by mail, you must mail your completed application form, identity document(s), and fee for replacement card (if applicable) to:

        Social Insurance Registration
        P.O. Box 7000
        Bathurst, N.B.
        E2A 4T1

        Your document(s) will be returned with your SIN card. Please note that we are not responsible for lost documents, we suggest that these documents be certified.
        • 多说无用,最重要的一个document就是已登陆的移民纸,你还没来,你总不能把移民纸寄过来,让它登陆吧。