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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / HK最新更新, 10月3号的排到了2002年一月
    We can advise you that independent category applicants from Hong Kong, Macau and the PRC who submitted their applications to this office up to and including 3 October 1999 are currently being scheduled for interview appointments in January 2002.
    • ha,越来越慢了,hehe,可能轮到我的话要后年或者大后年,这么多人要挤过去,我却越来越觉得还是中国好,也许等我五、六十岁的时候又要移回中国了,hehe,人生在于折腾。
      • 你怎么也成流星雨了。:-))))))
    • 早就说了马上就轮到你了,加油!:D