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  • / 他乡寻故知 / I want to seek someone come from UFSOFT, if u are in Ontario please email to me pmrhandsome@hotmail.com
    • 是财务用友软件吗?你需要吗?
      • no, I mean ufsoft company, I want to seek my colleagues in Canada.
        • 我认识几个武汉用友公司工作的人,不知道UFSOFT能在CANADA用吗?
          • no, can't, because ufsoft hasn't english version, do u know someone from Beijing UFSOFT GROUP?
            • 我听我朋友说过,她认识北京用友的,我于五月份LANDING,你马上就可认识我这个半个用友的网友了!你知不知道,我今天好高兴真没想到在网上能看到UFSOFT,当时我还以为我眼花了。
    • If you know their name, their mail address or something, you can search them from memeber list. The search function is really powerful.
    • 终于找到你了
      为什么不给我回信,我是LIZHI,CCID的,记得吗,我的信箱是neo-lee@china.com, OICQ:6575080,ICQ:108210300。