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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 各位DX,我父母现在在加拿大探亲,如果我现在给我父母办移民,那么将来我太太给她父母办探亲时会不会有影响?谢谢!
    • 唯一问题就是你的经济实力。因为你要在若干年内同时担保四位老人。
    • 影响你的family size。比如你现在给你父母申请时,family size是4人,下次给丈母爹娘申请时family zise就变成6人,不同size,income要求不同。
    • 供参考: 先从父母, 岳父母中各担保一位, 收入按4个人来要求, 然后他(她)们landing后再各自担保配偶就没有收入要求了, 可行乎?
    • 谢谢各位的回复,我想知道将来给岳父母办探亲时会不会被以有移民倾向为由而拒签?
      • 呵呵,你这个问题恐怕只有移民官才能回答。因为任何非移民类签证都有被怀疑的机会,只不过对于老人家来说,只要你的经济实力够的话,被拒签的可能性会较低。
    • There is something I don't understand. It is just the case for Visitor Visa, not Immigration. Why is your economic capability so important?
      My understanding is if your parents can provide the evidence that they have enough money to pay their trip and expenses for short-term stay in Canada, you don't even need to have any money for inviting them to come. Am I correct?