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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / I applied for Accounting of a College. what does CA/CPA/CGA mean and after I got the diploma what level I will get?May I find a job?
    I heard that a lot of people are learning Accounting as well as computer.I still applied for Digital Media Arts ,which program should I choose?I like DMA but maybe it is difficult to get a job.I have no idea about it.Please help me, give me some advice and suggestion.Tks.
    • 你可以到网站的搜索引擎上键入CA CPA CGA 查询. 或者 yahoo/business/finicial/accounting.../profession/organization
    • CPA is not an account designation. It's CGA, CMA, CA. For college diploma, you CANNOT get CMA or CA. So you can only get CGA.
      • Thanks for above two friends
    • 加拿大没有CPA. 中国和美国的注册会计师叫CPA. // 其实rolia的枫下黄页里面就有CA, CGA和CMA的网站地址。
      • 那岂不是苦哈哈地拿到CGA只得到加拿大的认可?你在学ACCOUNTING吗?
        • 实际上任何一个会计资格都是这样的,到了其他国家还是要重新考,虽然互相承认,但是也只能豁免一些考试。
          • CAs are recognized by the entire Commonwealth system
            • I think so too....... The big five accounting firm all employed mostly CA, some CMA, but never CGA.
              • Mostly is more like 99.9%, Deloitte probably has three cma out of 3000 staff in downtown NY
              • 哪听来的“小道”在这散布?我曾在KPMG 做了两年,很多同事只是CGA学生,PWC也一样。
                • Dude, those are called Big five CA firms.... of course employed mostly CAs.. but of course, they need CGA to do some of the dirty work...
        • CGA is quite crappy, consider to go to university to get CMA or CA.
          • why did you say CGA is crappy?Is there any example?
            • CA是最难的,而且大部分的CFO,CEO都有CA,要硕士学位,本科也可以,但是要补很多课,做的是Auditing,就是说是管CMA和CGA的,然后是CMA,要求本科,才到CGA,只需要College,你说呢?
              • 请问,我是国内大专会计毕业,你能给我一些建议吗? 是重进college再转University,还是申请入学University,还是读CGA. 谢谢指点!
              • 你那都是老黄历啦,CGA也必须要本科的。CGA的远程教育和它的flexibility是我最中意的。
                • 不用,Diploma就行!
                  • 据说入UBC的CGA课程要本科学位.
                  • bachelor degree.
                  • Diploma不够,要补不少学分。
                • CGA 干的是Accounting里面最低的活,这是不可否认的!
                  • 你有权利坚持你的看法,同时我决定不浪费时间去试图否认你的看法。不过,我习惯于在坚持自己的选择是正确的时候,不通过贬低别人的选择来证明自己的英明。
                    • 看看,有比我诋毁CGA更厉害的吧。hoho。想想偶那个,真是小case。
                      • 你,你,你这个灌水大王,I服了U了啦。:P
                        • 造谣! 今天偶忙,就灌了两瓢,连这个才三瓢。你自己数数你灌的,还好意思说偶。hoho
                    • Anywayz, just telling the truth.... CGA is the easiest one to get also....
                    • Oh, you are a CGA? Man...sorry offended you. I'm not a CA, or CMA,, or CGA. I'm just a student in other discipline. But I do know the differences between them.
                  • 万事都是从低级开始的
                    • Not really. You will only get one designation. Seriously, I've never seen one people with two accounting designation, like being both CMA and CA, or have CMA and CGA. Depends on your choice.
                    • They hire a CGA, they will give the jobs CGA can handle. They hire a CA, they will give the job CA can handle. They won't hire a CA for filling tax returns..
              • CA门槛最高,并非最难,尤其对中国学生。CGA门槛最低,适合找工作的新移民。很多人不选CA是因为CA一定要做一端时间的Auditing,这是最没意思,最枯躁的工作,而绝不是“管CMA和CGA的”高档活。
                • Well, the word hardest is relative. Among CA, CGA, CMA, CA is the hardest.
          • 大学里能念出CA?要进CA FIRM懂吗?
            • UW M.Acc. program. After you take the program, you can take the exam directly. You are considered to meet all the requirement of CA. So YES.
            • You have to know more about Canadian university..
              • 猫同学在那里口哦呀? 大电脑公司?
                • I'm a student.
        • As I remembered, Several countries including USA, Canada or Australia have CMA and CGA is a Canadian specific designation. To land a job in Accounting, CMA and CGA is enough
          • 都没说到点子上。请进。
            其实,CA,CMA,CGA是不同方向的,CMA的会计色彩低些,管理方面多些,对语言要求很高,LEADERSHIP阶段的学习,难且学费很贵,时间还要2年。CA主要在ACCT FIRM就业。CGA就业面最广,国内和香港也承认。如果单是想找工作而已,CGA最适合,其2-4级时找工作很易但人工不高,真正考到时,反而会高不成,低不就。
            • 谢谢007,我这才拨云见日,弄明白些了。那是否意味者整个会计行业工资最高的是CMA喽,
              如果在这行不解追求的话,其顺序是否为CGA-->CA-->CMA,另外CMA学费到底有多贵?在哪些U 能读,还是PART TIME 到专门指定的学校一门一门的考。谢谢,我实在是缺乏这方面的知识。
              • Nope, CA is the higest....
              • Income Ladder: CA --> CMA --> CGA Job Ladder: CGA --> CA --> CMA
          • Social Standing Ladder: CA --> CMA --> CGA