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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 听说加拿大纯金首饰少,大多是18、22等K金的或假的,是这样吗?
    • 是的。不过中国人开的店里有纯金首饰。
    • 可能吧。他们笑话我的24K金戒指,说是太软,不如22K的好。
    • Oh, that's the work of rolia.com's new function, "check to automatically post your introduction" after you register. Funny even Rollor didn't care to say "welcome on board".
    • 这里流行 10k, 14K 和 18K 的白金或是 two-toned 首饰,24K 的太软,不好加工。包括 wedding or engagement rings 也是一样。
      没什么人喜欢24K。18K 以下的主要是看工艺和设计,因为金含量低,所以可以做得很漂亮。工艺好的低K 首饰一样可以长久不变色。不过亚洲人似乎更喜欢纯金,也许是因为觉得纯金比较保值吧。
      • How was your Monday and how is your Tuesday? BTW, You know all about girls' stuff?
        • hehehe, everything is going well, and the life is still gonna continue, thanks. ^_^ I know a little about girls and girls' stuff, not all.
          • Have you got her ring size? I've got an idea:
            Tell her there's a way can tell when a girl will get married. Then give her an equation something like "a girl will get married in ( ) years = her current age - her age of first date + the number of boys she has been dating with - her ring size". You ahve to modify the equation to make the number in () to be positive. Good luck! :)
            • hehe, thanks, but this formula is so complex... I found a finger sizer from a website, ^_^
    • It's not just Canada, anywhere where there's no Chinese consumer support...