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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / I can't access FTP server under Win2K Server with Basic Authentication. Please advise me. Thanks.
    • Impossible! You don't know how to set it.
      • Why is it impossible?
      • What I don't know how to set?
        • With basic auden... you have to access it like ftp:username:password@localhost
        • more detail please, your question like 'Q:why I can not get into your house?' 'A:I dont have the damn key!'
        • ops, forget the double slash. ftp://username:password@localhost
          • it doesn't work.
      • I mean it will be impossible that you can't access FTP with basic audentification....
        • Have u used FTP server on NT/2000?
          • Yep....
          • you have to give administrative username and password, depends on your NTFS permission setting.
            • Can u logon Win2k server locally using Domain User? How to set the Default Logon Domain?
              • Yes, you can. But in your NTFS, you have to give at least read permission on the ftp server folder to the specific domain user.