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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 本人英文基础不是很好,现在想提高英文水平的心情十分迫切,由其是针对以后上college做准备的,于是打听了不少学习英文的途径,还有谁知道哪一个更好吗?
    本人英文基础不是很好,现在想提高英文水平的心情十分迫切,于是打听了不少学习英文的途径。听说在LINC和一般的ESL英文提高的不快,因为内容是针对日常生活来的。由其是以后想去大学读书,现在应该选择哪种学习班呢?我听说的现在就有几个,现在弄不太懂其中的区别,一是成人高中,我不知道它主要是针对哪些方面来教学的,但是听说在那里面的人英语提高很快;二是,ESL里的Adult Academic Course,听说是免费的,而且是针对以后上大学的一项目课程;三是,大学里的EAP,这个当然是很有针对性的,但是听说每个学校都有不同,而且在进入大学时可以不用考试,直接就可转入college,但学费很贵。我现在不知道到底怎么取舍和选择,也不是知道是否有更好的,更适合的,如果哪位朋友知道请一定帮帮忙。因为最近正为这件事情苦恼呢!谢谢!!!
    • I recommand an english tutor, a black man, he is a writer, I have learned from him for a 2 months. His number is 416-6670825. Perhaps the price is not cheap.... just try to consult with him.
      • How did he tutor you?Did you have great progress?
        • I think I made a great progress in writing and speaking. (I just took courses for 13 times untill now). two months ago, writing is very difficult to me, even replying a letter
          . But now, It is so easy to write. Just tell the tutor what is your need, perhaps he will give something suitable for you.
    • 我跟你的情况差不多,也想知道这个问题?