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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 各位在加的朋友,你们的名字问题怎么解决。是用原来的中文名字?或另起一个英文名字?
    • 我虽然还没到加,但我的想法是,有法律效应的文件上还是保留原来中文名字的拼音,因为改起来太麻烦了,平时可以取个洋名,方便老外唤我。:)
    • 所有的证件和卡都应该用护照上的名字,不然怕有麻烦。等拿加国护照时是一个改名字的好时机。
      • 更确切点地说,是申请公民的时候。
        • 说出了我的心里话。
        • 申请SIN卡时就可以把英文名字加上去。
          • Make sure your driver license has the same name as your passport. nowdays when you board the plane or in the custom, they look at your driver license a lot besides passport.
            • Then do not show them your driver license.
              • Trust me, then you will need to go through a hell lot more trouble! I had that experience.
                • Do you look like a terrorist :))) ?
            • isn't passport enough? I think that's way more convincing than driver's license.
              • I did say beside passport, of course you need passport, but since so many people is using fake passport nowdays, they often ask for additional ID.
    • 签名时最好用中文。
      • it takes much longer time for people to verify it.