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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 救命,我TOEFL怎么总过不了. wuwu~~~ :(
    第一次考的分最高。 LISTENING 19 WRITING 25 READING 25
    TWE 4 .5。虽然这成绩也暴差,但比后来考的每次都高。 后来考的几次听力通通只有18。 我可怎么办啊,听力就这么难提高吗?枉费我在国外了。:(
    • HEHE, do not take toefl then, maybe you should try GRE.
      • I think your score is good enough.
        • Most of the concern is all about listening comprehension, but total score.
    • Can you understand the movie or TV? I think you should put more emphasis on your basic skills. If you can fully understand what they are talking in Friends, how come you couldn't pass TOEFL?
      • What does "basic skills" mean? vocabulary? listening skill? or anything else? Could you give some advice about how to improve the listening skill?
        BTW, I love "Friends". But I can't understand them except I saw the caption.
        • The best way is to watch TV, as someonas has mentioned. And turn the caption off and listen. If you have caption, your ear filter out the English most of the time leaving just the laughing sound. pretty annoying.
          • Thank you. I'll try. But I'll be very regretful that I can't understand all of their talking in "Friends".
          • But I think you should record it and replay if you don't quite understand. And finally see the caption if you still don't understand.
            • That make sense. Anyhow, If you don't improve your listening/speaking skills, you can't survive in canada even you have strong reading ability.
            • No, don't do that. You have to do quantity, not quality. It doesn't matter you miss it, just keep watching other shows...。。。
            • another reason is if you record and play it again and again, you will get bored. just keep watching...
              • But sometime I can't understand the same sentence again and again. In the record way, I do know what they are talking next time. So if you have the better way?
                • If you do it this way, you are restricting yourself.. You have to get exposed, doing it in quantity. Just like reading, it doesn't matter in a sentense you have one or twos that you don't understand.
                  • But sometimes not only 2, 3 sentences but the whole show.
                    • then watch another show... watch another movie... and try to understand that movie..
                • listening is not like Voca, you memorize one, you know one. Listening is like a level. Your listening skill will go up overall, not just by understanding one sentense.
                  For example, you can understand someone with American acent but you may not understand the same sentense that with Autralian acent. So you have to do large quantity of listening...don't waste time on record, rewind, search, playback.
          • That's the way that I have been trying.
        • I just mean you don't have to rush to the test. Pick up a native and let him do the TOEFL. I am sure he would get high score in listening even he doesn't know the TOEFL before.
          So the most important is the level of your listening not the skills of test.
        • 总结以上三位DX的方法,就是:




          • As one mentioned above, find chance to talk with native English speaker by experiencing Canadian life such as go banking, go shopping, go to library etc...
    • 在这里学,会跟着加拿大人的效率。最好回国参加新东方的上山班,全封闭几个月,回来考。
      • 新东方我已经上过了,其实山上TOEFL班也就是封闭20多天。我觉得也只是得到了一种方法。其它还是靠自己。但自己现在是一个人封闭在加拿大,真不知道该怎么办?
    • 偶觉的新东方的全真磁带用处也不是最大,我能听大部份,但一考相差好大啊。还是听听PowerPre,或是基于机考的光盘,图书馆有。
      • 可是POWERPRE只有两套题,做模拟还可以,但练习材料你用什么呢?
      • I know all that you said, but I just could not make it. What if I can not pass TOEFL? Is there any university I can go into with that score?
        • 我记得有一位朋友是这样的,英文成绩不够,申请CALGARY大学,学校让她先去上一段时间学校的ESL,视成绩好坏才能上正课,其实还是一样。----我跟你一样苦闹!
      • I understanded what they talked about in TOEFL test indeed. And have no problem of understanding TV, movie , news. Somehow I do have trouble in concentrating during the tes. I don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
        • 新东方的老师说:对付考听力时不集中精力这个问题的方法就是,延长每次练习的时间。比如说考试时间是半小时,那你每次练习时,就连续听1-2小时,慢慢的就不走神了。我试了一下,现在这个方法在我身上还未生效。
        • 我觉的你的成绩还可以凑和了
    • Join us at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GO_FOR_TOEFL.
      • 我已经加入你们的GROUP了,但除了大家彼此打声招呼,通告一下考试时间外,我们这个GROUP还有其它什么作用或活动吗?
    • 同命相怜这他妈的listening真不是东西. 我都要快疯了.
      • 说得好。过瘾!
    • Most Xing Dong Fang's materials are too old and too easy. They give you a misunderstanding of yourself. I used them the first time and got a poor score. The second time I used the official publication from ETS and
      got 24 scores more (computer based).
      • How to get these material from ETS?
      • I'd like to know, too.
      • Buy. Please check www.toefl.org (TOEFL test preparation kit). If you're interested and in Vancouver, I would like to sell mine at $40 (canadian $).
        My email is: h_qu@hotmail.com.
        • can you just send to all of ue, please do not ask for money
          • You bet.
    • 靠,你真有钱!
    • 除了听还是听,每天至少5小时,一定要集中思想!!
    • Do you need a turot, bud? Fair hourly charge.
      • Tutor... Sorry.
    • do not stay at home all the time, go arround, try to listen to what native guys say. Watch TV without the caption. 2 months later you will got at least 23.