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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请问移加后想学护士或护理需要什么条件?上哪学?学多久?就业情况如何?
    • 难道这是冷门吗?很难学吗?没人知道吗?
      • 很奇怪你为什么会认为这是冷门?难道是你自己对护理有兴趣吗?
        • 我只是听说这个好就业才想学的,但是既然这么恐怖,我还是学别的吧。
          • Very^n easy to find a high-salary job; VeryVery^n difficult to graduate without a Very^n^n good memeroy.
            • I don't think nursing's salary is very high. but it's decent.
      • There is a nursing program in Seneca college, first 2 years, you should study in Seneca college, last 2 years you study in
        York univeristy and then get bachelor degree. The problem is: there are more than 30 hours class every week.. the first semester, there are 9 courses. If your english is perfect, you can try it. but first of all, please ask your friend who is studying in the college or university, if they have more 20 hours a week, they almost be dead. Please image how can you take 30 hours a week.
    • 就业情况不错,护士课程在college或university都有专业。护理在一些速成班也有。
      • 2005年后,所有的护士都要求持有大学学位了。
        • 学护理难吗?可先学护理,然后边工作,边学护士吗?可转学分吗?
          • 主要是语言关难过。
          • 从头再来,护士得念理科本科吧;还是挺难的,得有思想准备。
    • Nursing in McMaster is very good. I have a friend there doing nursing.