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  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / 看到各位JJ们对护肤品的选择,我为我3岁的女儿准备那种好呢?(登陆在TORONTO )。强生,郁美净。。。我对凡士林感觉好一些,不知小女孩适用否
    • My 3 year daughtere uses whatever I use. I like Ponds in winter and Oil of Ulay(?) in summer. They are cheaper here than in China.
    • 店里有很多柔和的婴幼儿用品的。
      • Those cheap junks really suck. A large bottle of J&J baby oil cost only a couple of dollars. You can imagine what is inside it. I am afraid it is not designed for Chinese baby, at least my daughter, who has a dry skin.
    • 强生这里价格差不多。