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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 本人去年3月考了雅思,LP4年前考过托福. 计划明年4月左右赴加然后联系学校充电. 请问,是否必须提前考托或雅才能联系学校? 以PERMANENT RESIDENT身份也需要考嘛? 真要命, 托福报名明年5月份的都爆满....:((
    • 考不考TOEFL和是否时PR没有关系,由各个学校自己决定。通常申请master的话TOEFL是必需的。
      • 如果读bachelor呢? 是否肯定不需要考托或雅?
        jqian, mind letting me know your phone number? I really think you are a great helper! Thanks.
        • Theoretically, TOEFL is mandatory for enrolment to University including bachelor degree. Most institutions require any applicants outside of the North America instructed by non-English to prove language proficiency.
          I am in Shanghai. Is it convenient for you to call me? You could liaise me by email: jin.qian@intrint.com
          • thanks. you are not in office now so I'll call you later, if you don't mind.
            • I'm in office now but I have to participate a long meeting, which won't end until 5pm. Are you willing to, you could call me next Monday morning via 021-53853000 ext 613. Could I know what's your location now?
              • I already knew your number ... I'm in Beijing. I'll try to call you next Monday... :)