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  • 枫下沙龙 / 站务管理 / Rolia太让我不爽了"System too busy. Please try it later after 2 minutes. "
    • 你也没必要那么快刷新呀。
      • Standing in a developer's view, you should not tell clients what to do. You should encounter all the possiblities. It's very annoying me too.
        • 做为一个网友,我理解站长的苦衷。为了这个网站的生存,他想了很多办法。以前没有两分钟限制,但后来加了进来,也是没有办法的办法。
        • no, that's not a bug. rolia restrict the user to refresh the same page within 2 minutes in order to decrease the burdgeon on server.
          • No one says it's a bug and every knows it's intentional.
            • sorry for misunderstanding.
        • I'd like to stress it again: THIS IS NOT A COMMERCIAL SITE! Strictly speaking, this is sailor's private property. When you stay at other's house, do you complain his house is too small?
          • So what??? This is not a house. You have a house for yourself, do you always open your house to public?? If you develop a site, you have to maximize pleasure for everyone since it's World Wide Web, not your house.
            • 请息怒,请原谅。请理解:这里不是谁的房子,但这个网站确实是Sailor的私人财产。Sailor没有能力满足所有人的要求,又不愿把网站卖掉。这个网站是他的业余嗜好,也是我们很多网友的业余活动场所。大家都是想来就来,不喜欢就不来。
              • I'm wondering what will happen if Sailor take off the 2min limit.
              • or better off, one suggestion, program it in a way that the site will put the limit up during peak hour like from 8pm -- 1am, take off the limit during other hours such as day time and midnight.
                • 以前没有这个限制,后因访客太多,一些人又不断刷新,造成数据流量过大,网站险些被关。你只要别急着刷新,就不影响什么。
                  • So the ISP is charged by your bandwidth per month?
                    • 这不废话嘛,这种非门户的非盈利网站难道还不限流量?俺估计rolia的月流量大概在20G以上
                      • Some ISP charged by concurrent bandwith, not accumulate bandwidth.
                      • 当时 ISP 给 Sailor 写信要求限制流量的时候,Rolia 的月流量超过了 50 G.
            • I apologize if my strong words hurt you. But - this is sailor's private property and he has no obligation to maximize your pleasure.
              • not my pleasure, I said everyone's pleasure for those who visit the site.
                • OK, then I mean everyone's pleasure. I'm not going to argue with you anymore.
                  • 所以我早早退出,那整个一个楞头少年!
                    • haha......