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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我是专科毕业,欲抵加后申请就读本科,但我的高中毕业证早已遗失,不知能否使使用我的大专毕业证及成绩作为申请时的公证材料?
    • 你们说得这么热闹,怎么就没人给我一个建议?
    • 我觉得可以,不过成绩单应该是盖好学校公章后封在信封里,信封的两端封口处也要盖上公章,否则可能不承认是正式的。最好也是最准确的是到学校的网站查阅或EMAIL询问,不同的学校要求不同。
      • 我是清华的成绩单就一张纸(带钢印的), 这样可以吗??
        • no, they know tsinghua graduates can get transcript in envelope which is sealed by 'gong1 zhang1'. you should have done this in China.
          • 那么拿上我的公证书可以吗?! (移民时用的)
    • The practice is different from school to school. You should make inquiry to each specific school. And make sure to keep a copy of the answer if it is positive.
    • probably yes. but you have to explain your school is kind of post-secondary level, so you don't need to prove your secondary school level.