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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 请教关于父母探亲填表的问题, 先谢过了!
    我在北京使馆网站下载了探亲申请表格给父母办探亲, 申请表的问题7如下:

    7a) immigration status of applicant(s) in country where applying

    b) valid until

    我不知道怎么回答这个问题, 如果填citizen, 是否 b) 就不用填了?
    那位朋友最近办过父母探亲的话, 请帮个忙, 谢谢!
    • 我也想问一个问题,想要请父母一块来加,请问他们要添几份申请表个,是两个人填在一份申请表上,还是每个人填一份?我寄回去的邀请材料只有一份。另外,好像在北京加拿大使馆的网上找不到申请表格下载了,谁知到哪里又下载的?多谢
    • 还有,你们给父母发邀请信的时候,是一封信邀请父母两个人,还是分别给他们发邀请信?听说65岁以上要体检,可是使馆的表格上好像没说。有经验的DX请帮忙。
    • up, 多谢帮忙呀。
      • One copy of invitation letter should do it. For application form, one form but 2 copies. If your father is the main applicant, then your mother is listed as spouse in the same form.
      • My experience
        1. Fill one form for each parent, thus 2 in total
        2. One invitation letter.
        3. If their visit is shorter than 3 months, Med Exam usually is not required.
        Hope About help.
        • thanks a lot, april and 1patrick. by the way, I'd like to know the answer of benben's question too. what does that "country" refer to? China or Canada?
          • 1. Country: China 2. Until: N/A if they are citizen of China