


  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 我已收到免面试,计划年底前登陆,问现在申请学校好,还是过去申请(最好能赶2001年春季入学). 另,据说最近只去香港护照有DT记录会被海关卡,必须先出境如泰国.是否确实如此?急!!!! -
    • hi,i have the same idea like you.i'll go to graduate school after landing in canada.but i'm just preparing my interview.but i think you had better take TOEFL or GRE test before landing in canada.contact me when you're free.
      • Hi, my situation is same as you. Why you prefer to applying university after arriving Canada. My interview time will be Aug. in Hongkong. How about you?