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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 见鬼了. 在AUTOTRADE网站上看到几部PRIVATE OWNER的二手车, 电话打过去全都卖出去了,气死吾了......各位有谁要出售车? 5000~6000 左右可商量.
    • 继续找,他们可能登了好长时间广告了。一般每周4有新的广告
      • 请教:我在网上查到有三个报价:1.Trade-In $9133 2.Private Party $10473 3.Dealer Retail $12706 哪一个报价是我买车需要支付的?
        • 在PRIVATE左右,越靠近TRADE IN越好,越靠近RETAIL越不好。
    • you have to call at the very first time if you want get a chance. a car really goes fast if you like it, because lots of people are doing same thing of you.
      alway keep you eye on websites, newspapers and magazines, and call the saler as soon as you find it.
    • 我认识一个朋友(白人老夫妇),我问他们买了一辆车,他们还有一辆,如果有兴趣,可以联系maile2001@sympatico.ca.
      • I am looking for used car. Please email me. Thanks in advance. jtaoo@yahoo.com
        • Where are you? Toronto?
          • Yes, I am in Toronto, email me. BTW, are you in Toronto?
            • I want sell my car. I am in toronto
          • You can email me, and I can tell you some more information