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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 那位DX知道使用Cable上网的机器怎样设置ftp server?
    我现在使用的是Rogers Cable上网,得到的Ip地址是24打头的,
    我让一个朋友ping这个地址,根本没反应,老是说host unreacherable.
    有没有那位DX使用Rogers cable上网的成功设置了ftp server和web server的能谈谈经验?
    • 该怎么设就怎么设啊,用cable开web和ftp的多了去了。看看昨天下红警的那个朋友就是用cable开的ftp
    • 如果你装了firewall有可能ping不通
    • I dont think, firewall, by default block FTP port, normally when you do the PING, you got ...
      1) reply from server
      2) request timed out
      3) bad IP address

      while host unreachable looks more
      like his problem rather than yours

      if anyhow firewall-like software on
      your server disabled PING, does
      not neccessarily means, it blocks
      FTP as well, and you can try to FTP
      out from your server, and make sure
      your FTP service is started ;-)

      those are the directions you should
      look at, good luck!