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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 公费医疗也有很大弊病,看病轮候时间过长,病人得不到及时治疗。
    • 这是个问题阿. 在美国就不存在这个问题, 你只要花钱, 就基本上可以看上病, 但是非常昂贵呀. 见#287192
      • usa health system sucks
        • agree
          不一定准确,但是是和美国医生聊天聊来的: 病人生病->保险公司付钱看病->超过了保险限额->病人自己付->倾家荡产后才能申请政府救济, 无论活过来没有,都已和死没什么区别了.所以如果在美国得了重病而且知道没救了,到一定程度后就等死算了.免得老婆孩子以后受穷.
          • Do you know how their MediCare system works? Who is eligible?
            • what do you mean?
              • Free medical care, just like Canadian health insurance, but only for poor people.
                • yes, but free care is just for poor people.
                  Here is the example I got: if you have 10K in your bank account and you just run up your insurance, you could not apply for free care until you run out what you have in your account, or to a limit.

                  Well, again, not really positive about what I have said. Those are just what I got when I talked with some physicians there. Maybe the game rule isn't the same in different states.