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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 我拿到OFFER了,但很犹豫,不知该不该接受?
    • 麻烦,只能做选择了。不过可以试试办反加证。
    • 不要去!去了你就会第二次体验进退两难!
    • ok, looks like u r my JiaMen(er), my suggestion is
      go there, at lease u go there
      • Thank you! BTW, what is 'JieMen'?
        • Zhou is my family name
          • If I go there by myself and leave my family here, will I have more chance to get the Return Permit?
            • i really dont know, but it turns out that u have family/residential tie in canada, permit thing might be easier, a job is a job, if u refuse, can u forsee how soon you can get an offer?
              • agree
    • You definitely need a H1-B visa if you want to work in the States. It is not very difficult for the company to help you to get the visa, considering the economy status here.
      I have no idea about how to keep the immigrant status in Canada.
      • Thank you! But can I apply for H1 visa at Toronto?
        • it's very sure that the company should help you to apply h1 visa. you don't worry about it if the american company really wants to hire you.
          they will handle that and they will inform you what you should do IF they REALLY wants to hire you.
        • You need the sponsorship from the company that's going to hire you. Since you've got the offer from them, they should be willing to sponsor you. Check the following URLs:

          • Thank you very much for your information.
            • You can visit 'immigration' and 'working' boards in bbs.mit.edu for more information.
    • 当然去了, 教你一招, 去美国干半年, 183天辞职回来, 这样你又保留了身份,又有了半年北美经验,再找加拿大工作也不难。
      • faint, you sound like H1 visa can be obtained the next day.
        • I heard that the applicant must go back to China to apply for H1 visa, is that true?
          • I don't think you have to if you're already Canadian PR. Correct me in case I am wrong.
            • Please check this. I found it from the Visa Appointment Confirmation Letter.
              "First-time “H1 - B” visa applicants who earned their qualifying academic degrees outside the US or Canada are strongly urged to apply in their home countries, as Toronto consular officers are generally unable to evaluate foreign academic credentials."
              • I am not sure about current situation, but you still can give a try if you'd like. I do know people who made it successfully as first time H1 visa applicants years ago.
      • Taking the new law into account, isn't it safe to work in US for 3 years then come back and stay in Canada for 2 years?
        • And chance to get US GC, hehe.
    • What field are you in? How to get it? Agent or company directly? I sent some resume to US recently but no response
      • Steel structure, pressure vessel inspection, Quality assurance. I sent my resume to the company directly.
        • I think, this position should be very secure.
    • My husband got a job offer from a US company early this year and the company applied for H1B for him and H4 for the family. They got the visa ready in the summer,
      but my husband ended up not going, which I think was a right choice at this point of time. If you are interested in obtaining more information regarding this, pls respond to my message.