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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 请教各位DX:有两个ACCESS数据库表内容差不多,但不完全相同,FIELD的个数也不同。现在要将一张表的内容合并到另外一张表,除了人工完成外有没有方便一些的方法?多谢!
    • Write a script to do it... Like an ASP script or something.....
    • or modify the existing table to the same column as the other one,and then copy and paste everything.
    • 写个SQL不就得了. 用INSERT就行.
      • That's ACCESS....Its query only take SELECT. If it's SQL Server, it's a different story.
        • 你用的哪个版本的ACCESS? 我用ACCESS不仅可用INSERT, DELETE, UINION 都可以用啊
          • Where do you input the SQL? When I use Access, I remember I choose SQL view under Query and it only take very simple SQL select statement. Can't do any computed column and can only do very simple function.
        • you can select the type of query. after you select table when you create query, select query type under Query menu, such as insert, update...
          • i see i see...... didn't know that.... Thanks.
    • make a query.