


  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / BC考车新规
    前几天我去路考,侥幸过关。但据我的教练说,自今年十月份起,凡持外国驾照转考BC驾照的,必须参加Level 2 的路试,而非现今的Level 1 路试。“2”比“1”难度要大很多。首先时间就长一倍(45-60 min),考试项目也增多,诸如freeway skills、3-point turning 、Starting on hill 等均必考。尤其讨厌的是Naming
    the hazard in English ,若不够半数则必“死”无疑。所以奉劝尚未考车和近期将Landing in BC 的移友抓紧时间,以免错失良机,徒添烦恼。
    • 什么叫"Naming the hazard in English "? 我正在北京学车, 请问level 2 的路考会比中国路考难么?
      • Naming Hazard
        Naming Hazard 就是用英语说出路考时你看见的Hazards--Any road users or situations you see ahead,beside or behind you that could be dangerous. For example,Truck,Pedestrian,Children,Bump,Hill,Slippery Road,Emergency Vehicle......
        我个人认为 Level 2 比北京路考要难。我在北京开了三年车,还是手动档的,但在这用自动
        档车考Level 1 还是两次才过。可见 Level 2 就更难了。
        • 我惨啦!
      • Obtaining a driver licences is really not that easy in Canada specially in ON.
        I know a lady which was a taxi driver for 12 years in China but failed 4 times here and still hasn’t got her licences. Another one couldn’t get his licences until the sixth time.