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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 在VANCOUVER安装基本CABLE初装费多少?基本月费多少?不需要别的台,最基本的就行 如果钱不是很多,我想跟房东商量商量,让他装,免得我还要买室内天线.
    • 基本台$19.95, 有二三十个台吧. 好像没有安装费, 而且现在SHAW搞促销, 第二个月免费, 还送一照相机(当然不是什么好相机)
      • No chinese channels in the basic package. Can an indoor attena receive any Chinese program?
        • no. With an indoor attana, there're only 6-7 channels.
          • :-(. Thank you.
      • 安装费:54$ or 45$. 我是和电话初装一起付的,记不清哪个是哪个了。
        • 电话是54。
          • 谢谢,你们不知道我那个房东,刚买的房子重装修的,所以CABLE什么都得再收一遍安装费,我那电话初装费就收了我100刀,
            因为是第二条线进户,而且当时还有INSIDE REWIRE CHARGE,按$19/15分钟,结果装的那天那个西人小伙忙呼了1个多小时,还将外面的BOX换成个大点的,我心想这次惨了,加人工等不得狠宰我一刀,后来来了帐单,因心中早有准备,一看,还没晕过去,还只算了$19块钱的人工费.国内整天说中国电信黑,其实现在国内装电话已不要钱了,总之都一样黑.我这个房东,也太节省了,不常在家,就不装CABLE,我这个房租还挺贵,当时是几天找不着合适的房子,无奈订下来了,他们人倒不错,房子很干净,环境也很不错,但让他们装,估计是不行了,还得去买个室内天线,生活在倒退啊.
            • I have exactly the same experience as yours. Telus wanted to charge me $100. But an old technican came and failed and told me to call back to reschedule. Now I decided not to install a phone line.
              I am using a cell phone for local calls and PC for long distance calls.
          • I'm a little confused, how to use PC and Cell phone to dial long distance call?
            I ever considered not to install wire phone, but I have no cable either, so I can't surf at home without phone line. Actually, if I myself applied for the cable and paid the month charge and surf internet using cable modem, it should be better than now. I'm stupid!!
            • PC for long distance with Dialpad, etc. Cell phone for local calls. I think you can call shaw and see if they still have the free installation special. But their number seems almost busy.
        • 电话初装费$45, 这是没错的.