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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / did anyone use fax to send the sponsorship approval letter back to BJ instead of mailing?
    • why using fax, money or time? check the documents on the Canada government website.
      • the letter is the approval letter for my application to sponsor my wife. it is not a form. anyway, thank you for your attention.
        • I know the letter (from immigration apartment), check the " check list " . I remember that need a original letter.
          • according to the No. 10 of Kit 3155E: " Sponsorship evidence', it is a 'photo copy' of the sponsorship approval letter. since si do not know when it would come after the application kit, i do not want wait.
    • The forms which was sent to me by CIC said that fax approval agreement could be acceptable.Don't worry
      • yes, i received the same suggestion fom CIC, 'i can use fax to send it back'. hope to be available with 4-5 days, which is the normal length of Purolator to CHINA.