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  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 今天心情很糟. 哪位晚上去看電影﹐我可以JOIN你們嗎﹖
    • join me if you are a girl. scarborough town center.
      • What time? How many people?
        • you and me.
          • No Way.
            • Up to you.. I need to go there to pick up something, so might just go watch a movie by myself..
        • 都7点了还有人去看嘛?
      • 你在那里住?真不错,不知道你中午有时间吗?
        • what do you want me to do? I'm at work 9 to 5.
          • Are you at work? no kidding?
            • I'm not kidding.
              • 1. I guess you are too young; 2. I see you are online here all of the day; conclusion: your job is sth related with rolia if you are at work.
                • Welcome to Canada... ;)
                  • Thx, are you a CBC? - just curious, you don't have to answer.
                    • no, I finished one semester of Gao1 Yi1 in China. I can't type Chinese because I'm at work.
                • my job is develop online banking app and intranet app.... not related to rolia.. :(
                • he's a kid
                  • than you are bigger kid.
          • 你这小孩儿不是应该在上学吗?81年5月出生,现在该上大学?我就是想和rolia上的各位会会,我每天中午都在centre mall里吃午餐,晚上shopping。
            • Should be 1981 August. Yeah, I'm taking Computer Science COOP in UW. Now i'm doing my second coop term in Toronto .
              • Good Boy!
                • Okay, based on what you called me, then I think we are not in the same age group and it won't be fun for us to go to movie together. :)
                  • mildkiller also called you "你这小孩儿", right?
                    • See.. That's the difference between Chinese and Foreigner. In this company, foreigner never see you as a 小孩. Chinese always see people who's younger than you as 小孩. So not respectful.. ai.......nothing I can say.
                      • I remember that I called you "my brother". Does it sound better?
                        • did you? can't even recall.. But I remembered we argued about some stupid things before...
                • 这孩子是不错,象个小大人。可惜给猪主席起了个名叫加肥。。
                  • At least he respected me and gave me a name.. Not like you, keep calling 这孩子 这孩子... geez....
                    • 好好好,我道歉。
              • 哦,那你就是8月15的生日?不错哎.做这么多COOP真好.不过你说的中国人和洋人的区别可是不太准哦.但我不介意,我没必要掩饰自己是个中国人,即便有一天我的英语和NATIVE一样流利时:-)
                • Actually there is. Foreigner respect you not as a child, but as a co-worker. But Chinese see you a child in the work place. Age discrimination.
                  • 那是师兄敌对你的关怀爱护呀.鬼子却不然,他们会狠狠用你,毫不怜香惜玉.不过,中国人现在也只是口头关怀,实际上和鬼子这里的平权一样,没人让着你啦.你想要的民主和尊重都有:)
    • 晚上9:00、9:55都有,其他时间大约每1小时一场,我刚丛那里回来,不过时间不对,刚想发帖子,就看见你的帖子了,巧了!我也去!
      • what movie do you expect?
        • 就是哪个什么什么小法师什么的(名字忘记了,呵呵)
          • Harry Potter
            • 对!谢谢!:)
          • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
        • You can watch Ocean's 11 today.
          • It give me a impression that Ocean's 11 is a sucky movie but with lots of stars to boost sales.. Well, that's only my opinion.
          • Thx for your suggestion, I will check what it is.
    • I don't know if it's a problem of our boyz or our girlz. It seems sooo hard to go 1 on 1 to a movie, a dinner or even just have her(s) reply the emails. Any comments?
      I guess if no one gives a damn to this post, then it's a problem of mine, and of mine alone. Is 1 on 1 always considered a date or what? Geez. At this rate, the Chinese governement doesn't really have to put its priorities on birth control.

      Just my 2 cents. (a cliche)
      • No. I always prefer 1 on 1 to go out since you can always pay full attention to the one who you are going out with. Although all the girls I go out have a bf, but we all see each other as good friend and out
        purpose is pure: we are going out as friends, we are enjoying ourself and have a good time. And it is not a date.

        I don't really like to go out as a group since lots of time you have to repeat yourself numerous times during an conversation to get attention.

        I rather go out with only 1 girl so we can both pay full attention to each other.
        • Sounds like it's a problem of mine, and mine alone. Lucky you...
          • Have a pure heart to face your opposite sex friend, then it will be fine. Especially when you have a gf and she has a bf.
          • I love to do a lot of thing alone too. Like watch a movie alone... or go shopping alone..or walking alone..sometimes I love Canada a lot since I can enjoy the peace of quiet that I can't get when I was in China.
    • 仅仅是看一场电影而已,怎么那么多事情?!
    • 如果你是女孩,如果你有车,如果不是看Harry Potter(因为我看过拉),最重要的是如果看场电影真的会让糟心情变好些,那么——我愿意和你一起去。:)
      • sex discrimination!!! :)
      • You are so great and helpful. The first if - yes; the second if - no; the third if - I don't care what the movie is, actually just need a company to go out, which absolutly helps a lot.
        • 很理解你此时的心情,可惜我住的比较偏,晚上很黑,我不敢一个人走回家,我看今晚想看电影的大侠也不少呀,和他们结伴去吧,Anyway,希望你开心起来。
          • Thx a lot. How can I contact with you? or you can reach me at
            • 好呀,我已经把你加进我的msn联系人里拉。
              • great, I use MSN too.
    • 看吧,就这么个事情,非进“热点”不可,有时候感觉这里人事情真的很多,想破了脑壳也不明白--------就看个电影,那里来得如此多的事情啊。。。。。。。。
      • I guess if you claim you are a female..every post of yours is gonna be hotspot. JUST DO IT
      • I would go to see a film at Paramout, anybody would go there?
        • parking too expensive. rather go uptown.
          • U can park ur car at Chinatown.
        • Paramont is my favorite, and close to John and Peter where lots of good pubs resite. The only thing is to find a good parking place...
          • where can you find free parking around there?????
            • That's what I'm saying, no free parking... but many parking close by tho, 5 bucks should be plenty if no events.
              • then I rather drive uptown.......
                • Uptown or even Mississauga, I don't really care, as long as either the movie is good (which means it has to be a guy movie) or we have some fun after the movie. I wouldn't just come out for a movie...
            • Although not free but just 5 bulks charge.
          • Paramont is my favorite cinema too, i think it's the best in toronto? i often watch movie there. but you said that, it's very hard to find a parking place.
            • Paramount, Scarborough Town, Yorkdale, inside the theater, all the same!
        • When are you going to see a movie? BTW, are u a boy or girl?
    • 哈哈哈啊哈哈~~~~~~这里讨论的东西已经和电影无关了,每次都是这样!
      • 不过,今天好象也没有什么好的电影可看。
        • Behind the enemy line in Yorkdale.
          • yeah, That's a good movie, but I have seen it last Tue.
        • Ocean's Eleven 应该不错吧。好多明星呀。
          • yeah, but it gave me a feeling that the story line is really sucks, but use stars to boost sells.
        • but it's kinda like a guy's movie.
          • anyway, I will take a look. Anybody else, any boys and girls?
        • 有看Behind the enemy lines 吗?据说很不错的,后面就等着The lord of ring了,
    • 最后我想大喊一声:今天的电影还看不看了?!!!!
      • 看,看,当然要看,最好人多一起看喽。
        • see here! For paramount
      • 要是去看Behing the enemy lines就算我一个,Harry Potter 我看过啦
      • 谁去?举手(不打算去的,不要跟贴,谢谢!)
    • 你不是要去看电影吗?去哪里看?
    • 我看电影都回来了!嘿嘿,在这里讨论的各位,你们继续讨论吧,嘿嘿:)
    • 我今天心情也不好,可是我在Vancouver, 没法和你同去。