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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 哎,真惨,老婆居然把我生日给忘了,一个电话也没有。也许在一起的时间太久了?生活越来越平淡了。
    • haha.... but she's still your 老婆 right?
      • 兄弟,玄了
    • maybe she will give u a surprise, anyway, happy birthday!
      • 可惜不管是什么时区生日都已经过去了,但是还是谢谢!
        • 还有阴历呢!
        • hei, buddy. i think she must so worry about the LP that forget some important thing, includes your birthday. doesn't matter. take it easy.
          • Thanks. I am feeling much better now. Even at the beginning I am not worried too much. 也许我的病就是没有感觉.
    • 别这么想嘛,我想她一定记得,只是电话线路不好等等喽,你每天都想着她,我想她一定也每天想着你的,呵呵。
      • 不一定啊.:-)
    • post you tel number here. I think you will get surprise then.
      • there will be no surprise after your post, hehe
        • I hope I will forget my next birthday, everyone forget it. When I think about my next birthday, I see the grey color.
          • my every b-day is almost grey.. already a habit.
          • r u a senior? kidding!
            • Next birthday is an important birthday.
              When I was a teenager, I think when I am 30 years old, I will have husband, children. The most important, I will have a peaceful mood. I will know what I really want. I will be confident. I will be full of sunshine and hope. I will not suffer pain, which is caused by my inside passion and which is caused by making choice or making decision.
              But now, it seems I still have to suffer.
              • You let everyone knows your age...... But good luck with your love life... We will have our Christmas super meal today.. see you tomorrow..... By the way, you give me sunshine in my boring life.
                • you too.
              • looks like u need extra 10 yrs
                • please, wish me good luck. now i am planning I need another 2 years.
                  • just for getting citizen?
                    • no, get peace.
                      • sunshine is peace
              • have you seen one episode of "friends"? they have the same feeling as you. I think few people can take their 30 birthday smoothly.
    • 平淡才是真喽。我不知道生日有什么好过的?
      • 其实我也没有觉得什么,也许我也会忘了她的生日,但是有时候想想在学校的时候,我和她都是肯定不会忘了的,而且一般都会想送点什么礼物.但是最近的几次都是很平淡,
        • 现在的生日过得平淡,是因为两地分居嘛!等到团聚后,自然会变好的!而且,我也要送你个迟到的生日祝福——希望猪大哥早日与猪大嫂团聚!*_*
    • 如果我是你,我也会非常非常伤心。但是你只要想:她一定很爱我,她只是因为没有电话卡了才没有打电话。这样你的心理就好些。不管怎么样。我们大家祝你生日快乐。
      • 谢谢,谢谢.
        • AQ, 我猜她在哭
    • 今天是你生日吗? 真巧,昨天是我的生日。我LG带我到EATEN CENTER买了双漂亮的长统靴,然后在外边吃的晚饭,感觉非常NICE! 我想你LP肯定记得你的生日,只是忙到跟前就忘了,过两天还会给你打电话的 :-)
      • 咱们居然同一天生日!我可没有你那么幸福了,到了中午才想起来,因为没有人提醒.下午还在学校苦苦学习,晚上想叫个朋友来吃饭也没有找到.自己一个人做了点饭凑合了.
        • 呵呵。。。瞧你自个儿也差点忘了。我平时记我LG的生日记得特清楚,可每到那一天就会忘记,然后事后补过。。。。我都觉得挺不好意思的
      • you just made him feel worse.
        • 哎,男子汉大豆腐,这点委屈可没什么.
    • 祝你生日快乐!尽管这是一个迟到的祝福。我想你LP没有打电话给你,肯定是因为电话故障或者电话卡啦等等。。。要知道生活有时会给你来一个小小的错差,并不是就表明她把你忘记了。
    • I forgot to tell you I tried to make phone call to my parents in China last night since yesterday is my one year anniversiry here. But I tried for 1 hour, I can not connect.
      • that's why I always call in lunch time in the company.. very easy to connect.. leaving now.. bye.
        • My parents go to bed at 10.00 pm. how can I disturb them.
      • 呵呵,真是很感谢各位.我也不会因为这一点小事而认为她不想我了.只不过有些感慨罢了.一定要现在就开始反省自己.
    • 你们结婚几年了?她没给你打电话,你就不能给她打?夫妻间需要多交流。
      • 同意,其实两情若在长久时。。。。我以前也非常不能原谅劳工忘了自己的生日,可来了以后,明白他的压力,我也就不苛求。只要知道他是爱我的就够了,一辈子还有很多机会表白。
      • 我给她打了,她说有事要出去.(倒!) 我们交流还是很多的了,前一个月学习这么紧张,还是一说起来就是2,3个小时.还不至于因为这个影响我们关系.
        • 你可以给她点提示呀,"今天好象是什么特殊的日子"。 夫妻相距远了,有时候会有交流问题,因为她毕竟不在你身边,不一定能体会你当时的心情。所以,这种情况有话要直说。
          • 我肯定会当面指责她的,谢谢提醒.
            • 你今天晚上就应该打电话跟她讲,有问题不要过夜。否则,你恐怕也睡不好觉。:-)另外,“指责”过了点,批评与教育就可以了。
          • 同我的性格好像,两个人之间还是直说,敞开心扉为好。Zhu,我觉得我们两个case很接近,时间接近,也都是大学同学,很难得。祝愿可以早日都收到LP,同时,祝你生日快乐!
    • 别急! 等你LP来了, 让她天天给你做好吃的,让她天天给你过生日, 罚她!!^_^
      • That is a good idea. I hope my bf will forget my birthday too. Hehe, I will tell him a wrong one.
      • 说的好,可以采纳.
    • Happy birthday, I send you a beautiful card, I hope you like it.
      • u r really a nice girl
      • Really really thanks a lot. But could you tell me what it is for? I mean what is in the picture?
      • 这,这?好象是满月或周岁的生日礼物吧?二三十年前,猪先生的妈妈给他的邻居,亲戚送了许多这个礼物。你是想提醒他过生日的时候要感谢他的母亲吧?
        • 我感觉也有点像.:-)
          • In china, when a baby is 1 month old (man3 yue4), his/her parents will distribute eggs to friends.
          • I am kidding.
            • 适于送给EGG,80岁也管用.
        • 满月le
      • ====真是太温馨了,我要有你这样的老婆该多好!你**没 8-() ===
    • 您还过生日那? faint........ happpy BirtHdAy
      • 不敢不敢,见笑了.
    • 我为此特地找了个生日比我迟一天的老婆,这样呢如果她忘了你就立马可以也忘...一起过呢通常在我生日的晚上过...总之便宜多多...还不赶快把生日改改!!!!
      • faint!!!!!! faint n times!!
    • 我老公连续忘了我们两个结婚纪念日,照你这么说我不赶紧撞墙死了算了?!
      • 我是什么时候结婚的都根本没有记.
      • 我LG也忘了,而且是彻底忘了,事后问他到底我们哪一天结婚的,他说他真的不记得了,而且还说没什么大不了的。唉,这才结婚两年...
        • 哎,所以说别嫁给他们。一结婚他们就迫不及待地露出丑恶的真面目来了!
          • 真恶毒麽.
            • 说真话就叫恶毒?你挺会偷换概念。
              • 呵呵,开玩笑了.结婚了是和以前不一样了, 所以我有这个感慨麽.什么时候要是我们连对方的生日都没兴趣过了,也就到了该分手的地步了.
                • 所以说要天天过节,保持新鲜感吗。另外,见你态度好,就原谅你说我的坏话了。
                  • 大人有大量麽.另外什么时候算结婚纪念日呢?是领结婚证的时候还是办酒席的时候?
                    • hehe, 我们两个日子都过。
                      • My husband forgets both of them!
                        • You know you can create a romantic atmosphere to "remind" him. I'm sure he will remember next year....
                          • I mean even when I remind him:"when did we marry?", he replied:"I really forget it. I can't remeber it." Do you think that a husband can forget this day? And he doesn't feel sorry for it. What should I do?
                            • As I said.. you don't just ask him directly... be a bit creative and romantic... such as bring him for a walk on the beach (if it's summer time) and REMIND him.
                              • I think what she means is that it is no need to remind him because he doesn't want to remember that day. He is seemed to think that day is not important at all. Sometimes I do.
                                • Yep... I know what she meant.. That's why I asked her try to be very romantic and remind him the past so he would start to have feeling again..
                              • OH,poor janette has to move to a city near to beach, and then has to choose another summer day for anniversary. Anyhow, her husband forget the day, it is not too difficult.
                                • That's just an example.
                                  • After I have BF, can you be his consultant.
                                • I'd better be your consultant so you know what he wants.
                              • 有一天,我很温柔地问他,还记得我们是什么时候结婚的吗?真快,都两年了。他想了一会回答:我真的不记得了,而且我觉得没什么必要。你觉得我还能靠制造气氛让他想起来吗?他是真的忘记了,永远。不过,还是谢谢你。
                                • Sorry.. :(
                                  • Do not CHU1 SOU1 ZHU3 YI4. I do not want to fall out of love.
                                    • hehe.... fang4 xin1, kan4 wo3 xiang4 hai4 ni3 de ren2 ma?
                                • In your computer, give him a warning, or a screen protect. Tell him every day one month before your anniversary. I think I can not stand he forget it. I will not give him chance to let him forget it,
                                  • and threaten him....
                                    • I found CHENG2 WAI4 REN2, just like you and me, always try to be consultant of CHENG2 NEI4 REN2.
                                  • 我的原则是一切顺其自然,如果他真的忘了,我决不会强迫他去记住,这有什么意思呢?一切随缘吧。
                                    • no,nono, You cannot. You will feel disappointed, which will affect your marriage. He will get used to the happiness that you bring to him. Try to let him cherish.
        • 不要伤心了,我LG也一样不记得周年纪念,而且我们结婚还没有两年,而且更可恶的是我和他的生日只差3天,他经常只记得他自己的生日!
          • Hoho.
    • Happy Birthday to Zhu! You will feel happy since so many friends gather here for you birthday. Good luck!
      • 谢谢.也祝你好运.
    • 别灰心,说不定晚上你就接到电话了。 猪你happy birthday!