


  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 饺子走四方(三) 加勒比海的阳光, 沙滩, 海水, TOPLESS WOMEN, FRENCH FOOD, FUN, PLEASURE, RELAXATION... (1)
    • 呵呵...what did you see?
      • (清清嗓子) 嗯, 嗯, ... 这样吧, 下次我们一起去
        • 请教东北饺子三大问题
          请教东北饺子三大问题:1。你说的两大航空联盟的全部成员能列出来吗?我2000年10月“加航“转”美联“上海ONE WAY飞温哥华,2001年3月”大韩“VANCOUVER飞HONGKONG 双程,2001年8月“日航”VANCOUVER -- SHANGHAI双程。2001年10月 “CANADIAN3000” VANCOUVER - TORONTO。你说我现在还可以要求积分吗?怎么要??2。租车。我有CIBC VISA 金卡。COVER了COLLISION,DAMAGE,LOSE INSURANCE。至于THIRD PARTY,车辆已含。问:我还要买什么INSURANCE吗?3. what is your suggestion for choosing credit card? no anual fee is better.
    • HeHe, Eyescream. ^_^
    • 呵呵,看来你是有些狼狈,这位Gentleman到底是躺着的,还是走着的?:P
    • 请问饺子一些情况,先谢谢了!
      • why don't you ask me? I just came back from RD last week.
        It's not very hot there, about 25 degree, which part of the island you want to go?
        • Thank you, oasis.
          Did you go there by yourself or with travel agency? I am planing a trip during Christmas holidays. I planed to go to Mexico, but the travel agency told me it is too late and recommended Dominica to me(around $1400). So I almost know nothing about Dominica. Is the price OK or not? Does RD mean Republic of Dominica? Look forward to your suggestion. Thanks a lot.
          • answer...
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛a travel agency, air transat.
            price depends on the level of resort.
            if the hotel is a 5 star resort, it's resonable.

            it took me $1700(include tax) for 2 people, but we lived in a 3 star resort.

            some tips for you:
            1. get a brochure from any travel agency, search a hotel you want to stay, different hotel has different policy, some all-inclusive, some provide free horseback riding, windsurfer, fishing ....
            I like windsurfing, I chosed punta goleta, near puerto plata and cabarete.
            2. read a newspaper(Toronto Star) or a website(http://www.belairtravel.com/)it's last minute special is always good for me, get a best price.
            3.No matter which agency you choose, mostly, you will get the same service in SAME hotel, hotel is more important than travel agency.
            4.avoid travelling during the X-mas, or you will pay more $500 for one person.
            5. bring a mask and a pipe(I don't know what is it called in English) with you, you can see a lots of tropical fish near reef and fishing them, don't need a scuba diving equipment.

            enjoy your trip...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Hi, I am going to Punta Cana Dominican. Do you know something about it?
      • 天气正好, 21-28度. 应该是个很不错的地方. 可以带BEACH用品:SUNGLASSES, SUNBLOCK LOTION, SHORTS, 游泳用具, 运动鞋, T-SHIRT等, 如果你近视眼, 可以买DAILY DISPOSIBLE隐形眼镜

        • If you are covered by your company's travel insurance, you don't have to buy any additional ones.
        • 旅游保险在哪儿买?
          • 我用TRVEL UNDERWRITERS 1-800-663-5389.可以通过电话购买, 也可以通过AGENT. 30岁左右不到CAD2.00/天, 老年人, 将近3元/天. 你问问是否包括安省?
      • 先谢谢饺子和诸位热心帮忙的朋友。现在有一些比较着急的问题想问,谢谢大家了。
        • You don't need a visa if you are a PR in Canada!
          you can get a tourist card before your landing, just fill it and show the officer in custom.
          • 十分感谢。刚才给使馆打通了电话,他们说要去使馆办旅游卡,75美金一个。你说的tourist card 也是在那儿办的吗?
            • no, I think you don't need to pay! call 416-739-1237, Dominican in Toronto, they will tell you.
              • 谢谢oasis. 刚才去了一趟使馆,非常生气……
                你说的Dominican in Toronto 是使馆吗?我在Ottawa. 刚才去了一趟使馆,他们一会儿说要十美金办一个visa, 一会儿又要75美金办一个certification, 还说只有中国大陆需要办这个,我非常生气,就回来了。难道连Dominica 这样的小国也要歧视中国人吗?而且感觉他们的使馆很不正规,就租了一个写字间,开始说要两个工作日才能给我visa,后来我说不想办了,他们又说最快明天给我。不知道别的朋友出加拿大旅游,有没有碰到类似的不愉快?
                • 哈哈, 别急. 我第一次申请美国签证时, LG说没问题, 被拒后他才知道中国护照的"威力", 现在我每次都提前2个月考虑VISA的问题. 耐心点, 很多地方都需要VISA(中国护照), 别搅了你的兴致
                  • 兴致已经被搅了一点点。: ) 本来想去美国玩的,被拒签了,现在又碰到这样的问题 : (
                • http://www.dominicanrepublic.com/Tourism/english/travelguide/visa_regulations.htm
                  Citizens of the countries listed below can stay for a maximum of 90 days with a tourist card which costs US$ 10 and can be purchased at accredited Dominican Consulates worldwide, when purchasing ticket, or on arrival at one of the country抯 ports or international airports. These countries are:
                  ...and all legal residents from Canada, the United States of America, Venezuela and from the member countries of the European Union, regardless of their nationality, carrying valid passports and their residency card.

                  I don't think you need to pay $75, you can ask the travel agency, maybe you will pay the $10 for you,

                  Dominica and Dominican Republic are two different area(country)!
                  Punta Canna in Dominican Republic !
                • 多谢饺子和oasis. 请问oasis: 你跟的团是中国人办的吗?我联系的是一家西人的,他们似乎从来没碰到过签证一类的事,没提什么建议,只是让我自己跟使馆联系。我在ottawa, 不知道有没有中国人办的旅行社?
                  • Agency won't be responsible for your visa, you have to do it by yourself!
                  • 西人的agent一般要自己搞定visa或tour card,多伦多也是这样。华人agent可以帮你搞定tour card. 这里的旅游大多是国内所谓的"自助游",没有跟团或导游一说,只有极少数华人旅行社搞的是象国内一样的旅游团,不过不太自由,有不少购物项目,而且每天要给导游不菲的小费。
                    我去古巴,找的华人agent,其实都是大的travel operator的subcontractor,和西人的没有什麽区别。他们的package稍微便宜一点,而且包多伦多的机场税。
                  • I had the same experience, but I know one place at Caribbean you don;t need the visa as long as you are a Canadian PR
                    Travel agent 不会管你的visa 问题, 如果是西人的就更不知道中国护照的与众不同。 我曾去过 The bahamas, 加勒比海小国, 就在 Florida 的 Miami 对面, 我问过他们的使馆是不要签证, 只要是Canadian PR. 不过我有美国签证, 在 Florida 玩了, 再去的 The Bahamas.
                    • Thank you all for your experience and suggestions. Thank you very much.
                  • 我去古巴的时候,tourist card是在机场拿的,去RD, tourist card是在飞机上拿的,根本不费事,我也是中国护照
                    • 我签发过的签证时真麻烦,虽然最终签给我了。